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17 day trip – day 8

Salzburg: three out of five

Salzburg, like Lucerne, is split into an Old Town and a New Town. The Old Town is the most interesting historically. It's the birthplace of Mozart. Even though he was born there, he hated Salzburg, and eventually moved away. The town is a tourist town, and now relies on tourism because of him to survive. I think that if he hated Salzburg so much, he should have decided to get born somewhere else. The Sound of Music was filmed there, and I saw the actual filming spots. One of them was Mirabel Gardens.

Lake: five out of five

I visited Lake Wolfgang by taking a boat tour. It was an optional excursion, and the tour guide said that there was a record low amount of people on it. The lake was surrounded by mountains and is featured for about 4 seconds in The Sound of Music. There's a town around it. While on the boat, I saw a huge cliff face. It's very steep. There were actually 2 climbers on it, climbing up!

Dinner: three out of five

Today, I ate dinner with the tour group. It was Chinese food, even though I would have preferred European food. What's the point of going to Europe to eat Chinese food that I can eat at home? It was pretty good, except that there wasn't enough time (yes, I know, I'm a slowpoke) to eat and that there were PEPPERS!!!!!!

I've decided to get rid of the average score. It takes too much effort to do. Austria is very nice, and has cheap and tasty ice cream. The only problem is the bathrooms. They still cost a lot.

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阅读 ()评论 (4)
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '石假装' 的评论 : 是啊,与孩子一起成长的过程宝贵而又短暂!非常喜欢你的游记 :)
石假装 回复 悄悄话 真美!谢谢介绍。
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '颐和园' 的评论 : 我给5分,3分是女儿给的 :)
颐和园 回复 悄悄话 萨尔斯堡是俺最爱的城市之一,这可是莫扎特的出生地,您只给3out of 5,是因为您去的那天正好阴天。俺去过几次,都是晴天或半晴天,不仅城市极有韵味,而且周围地区都美不胜收。谢谢分享!