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圈外闲人 (热门博主)
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(2011-08-20 11:59:21) 下一个


Today was interesting because I went to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It was not a convenient thing by far, as I had to take the bus across all of San Jose, taking about 1.5 hours to get to the soup kitchen. Although I did not know at the time, one person on the bus would be a fellow volunteer and another would be a diner at the soup kitchen. It shows how sometimes you can’t tell how one is doing in life just by looking at them.

The soup kitchen, called Eastside, was actually a community center. When I arrived, there were elderly couples doing some kind of waltz. The work started immediately after I arrived at the center at 3:30 pm. The cook had already finished the main meal of cream of mushroom casserole, the bread rolls, and the chocolate muffins for dessert, but I arrived on time to help with the salad.

The salad wasn’t anything unusual, but I had never tossed a salad from scratch before. I started with lettuce, which I first chopped its tip off and picked off the leaves. After washing the leaves, I cut the lettuce into smaller bits, and put them into the salad. Other ingredients for the salad were tomatoes and eggs, which was cut by me and another volunteer. Washing the cutting boards and plates were passed on to volunteers who came later. Once we were all done it was about time to open up (4:30 pm).

For simplicity, the organizer split us to do duties based on the order that we came, so I was assigned to serve the starch. Little did I know that today we had no starch because it was combined with the main dish, so I ended up pouring the coffee.

When the people came in to eat, I really couldn’t tell them any different from normal people. There was diversity in race and appearance (clothes and belongings), though most people were old. Soon work overwhelmed me. The amount of people who drank a lot of coffee surprised me, as I spent the entire 45 minutes of meal time pouring and refilling coffee for the diners.

Before I knew it the coffee ran out so I joined other people who were done serving on washing the dishes. The process was a hasty one because everyone wanted to go home as soon as possible. I glimpsed the workings of the restaurant dishwasher, where after rinsing food and oil off you would cover it in a big metal cover so the dishes would get rinsed and dried. It was pretty smooth sailing from there to the end.

I am glad that I could have an opportunity to see how soup kitchens operate. The operation is smooth and gets food to grateful people in need, as well as gives me some satisfaction that I made food for hundreds of people. The only problem is that the hours on the bus getting there and back is even more unproductive than sleeping / chatting / playing games or anything else really.

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圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复orange88的评论:
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复taro_g的评论:
orange88 回复 悄悄话

taro_g 回复 悄悄话 嘿,儿子培养的不错,要大顶一下。
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复林贝卡的评论:
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享你儿子做义工的经历,佩服你把你的孩子培养的这么好。
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复piao11的评论:
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复如山的评论:
piao11 回复 悄悄话 孩子走到我们前面去了~~~

如山 回复 悄悄话 很对不起,你多次访问我的博客并且留言。我今天才“偶然”拜访你的博客。原来你写了这么多博文,还有故事(小说?)连载,需要慢慢读。在文学城,你其实应该改名为“圈内忙人”,哈哈。