
实在憋不住,1,2,3月各有一次 supermoon, 市场波动会大。

(2019-01-03 21:21:00) 下一个

这个本不想说的, 因为总顾虑有“迷信”之嫌,而且没有 statistics back up, 但是多少年了,我是真感觉到的。所以说出来给大家“提醒”?“参考”?“批判”?怎么都行。或者当个娱乐吧,玩笑一回。

先看看这个 supermoon dates http://www.astropro.com/features/tables/cen21ce/suprmoon.html

注意到了下面二个日期吗? 有啥想法或感觉?

JAN 02, 2018 | 02:25 AM | FULL MOON 
JAN 31, 2018 | 01:27 PM | FULL MOON 

然后, 2019近期的有:

JAN 21, 2019 | 05:17 AM | FULL MOON |
FEB 19, 2019 | 03:54 PM | FULL MOON |
MAR 21, 2019 | 01:43 AM | FULL MOON | 

这里还有一张图片  wiki 里抓来的。

所以我期待最近几个月市场波动率会大,因为supermoon 影响人们的情绪。方向不管,我从来没体会到新月期或满月期一定会走牛或走熊。

至于这个supermoon 是什么,和股市是什么关系, 有兴趣的话可以从wikipedia 着手探索,关键词 supermoon, lunar effect。正反说辞都有。


Stock market

Several studies have argued that the stock market’s average returns are much higher during the half of the month closest to the new moon than the half closest to the full moon. The reasons for this have not been studied, but the authors suggest this may be due to lunar influences on mood.[35][36][37] Another study has found contradictory results and questioned these claims.[38]


Law and order

Senior police officers in Brighton, UK announced in June 2007 that they were planning to deploy more officers over the summer to counter trouble they believe is linked to the lunar cycle.[27] This followed research by the Sussex Police force that concluded there was a rise in violent crime when the Moon was full. A spokeswoman for the police force said "research carried out by us has shown a correlation between violent incidents and full moons". A police officer responsible for the research told the BBC that "From my experience of 19 years of being a police officer, undoubtedly on full moons we do seem to get people with sort of strange behavior - more fractious, argumentative."[28]

Police in Ohio and Kentucky have blamed temporary rises in crime on the full Moon.[29][30][31] In January 2008, New Zealand's Justice Minister Annette King suggested that a spate of stabbings in the country could have been caused by the lunar cycle.[32]

A reported correlation between Moon phase and the number of homicides in Dade County was found, through later analysis, not to be supported by the data and to have been the result of inappropriate and misleading statistical procedures.[3]


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