
feeling sharing

(2009-02-06 08:39:09) 下一个
I have been upset for the whole morning. I just want to find a place to express my true feelings. Welcome you to share some of your thoughts.

This morning before I left for work, I found out that my wallet was not in my pocketbook. I was nervous because all the credit cards, driver license, and even my checkbook are all in that wallet. I looked around the house and my car, but could not retrieve it. I suddenly remember that it may be left at my in-law’s house. I have a bad habit: not zipping up my pocketbook for an easy access. I thought that it may skid out of my pocketbook. Therefore, I called my husband at 7:30am and requested him to give a call to his mom. He told me that he would not contact his mom till 8:30am. He explained that he needed to give her an hour to wake up because waking up his mom from her sleep could make her trip. I can’t perceive any potential risks to her due to a call at 7:30am. he did call once hour later and picked up my wallet at his mom’s house.

To be honest, I am truly concerned about his mom. After her husband passed away last November, My husband and I spent as much time as possible to accompany her. I cooked for her at least a weekday (from Monday to Thursday) and travelled across the town to share with her. We spent almost every single meal with her during the weekend.

I was so mad at my husband’s responses: 1) as I mentioned before I can’t perceive any potential risks to call his mom at 7:30am. I can better underhand his standing point if I requested him to make a call at any time before 6am 2) I don’t want not report loss/stolen to my banks and all credit cared companies until I completed a thorough search around the paths that I visits, including my in-law’s house? 3) The quicker I completed the searching process, the earlier that I could report to all credit cared companies, the more helpful to reduce our loss to the minimum if my wallet was stolen.

My husband is an American. I do realize that we have different opinions some time. But a few things which made me so upset are 1) we could NOT reach an agreement when facing critical issues; 2) he has no faith in me. If he truly knows me, he should understand and accept my suggestion and would make a phone call immediately as I do everything for reasons. I am not irrational at all. 3) What really scares me is that nothing can change him if his mind was set.

Luckily I got my wallet and credits back! You all have a good weekend.
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