
\'chicken blood\' news flow

(2009-02-02 10:46:21) 下一个

On the news flows, there are plenty of positive biased news: bad bank plan could gain some momentum again and the senate vote of the obama's stimulus. But the problem is all these news are not really new (same old, same old...).


Think about it, since the lehman debacle, how many rate cut, baild out or stimulus news, including china's, did we get so far? And yet see how the market react over the times. Price is always the leader. If news were any good, we wouldn't have mired in these down rotten low level.


Now, all these chicken blood news might be perceived as positive news initally, but it has been proved that every time, this is a good fake out chances for the bear to play the initial knee-jerk reaction.


If someone are a half-full glass peoples, they might argue that market has not been down that much given the extremly negative news flow lately (worst GDP in quarter centuay, worst employment since WWII etc.).


Fair enough! but the bear still holding the upper hand so far, driving bull to the corner to defend last Nov low. And when even the "chicken blood" news down to a trickle, watch out below...


Once this battle of DOW 8000 is resovled, who will you want to side with ?

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