
Not young though not old, prefer reading to devoring, meditating to flesh, and the philosophy is never give up.

The words

(2009-04-23 18:04:26) 下一个

  1. voyeurism 窥阴癖者
  2. gawk
  3. cash cow 摇钱树
  4. blotter 吸墨纸,记事簿
  5. hazelnut
  6. subterranean 地下的
  7. truffle
  8. mania

prurience  好色,淫乱

stench   臭气,恶臭

pillory  颈手枷,示众,嘲弄

mug shot  面部照片, 嫌疑犯照片

puerile  孩子气的,天真的,未成熟的

My Self-contempt





Tuned-up nose

last fugitive remnant of well-being and self-complacency has collapsed and disintegrated.

As a pitiful and ridiculous figure


My first impulse, my first instinct, was to try

Cloak my contemptible wretchedness

It was all vanity

To hold myself aloof from society and turn my back on it

I am too vain to bear its scorn and disregard

I cannot live without the approval of the society

I am unable to view myself except through the eyes of others

A bad conscience

A good conscience

To forfeit one’s own opinion of oneself

Stricken vanity

Briefly visit the town on business

In good faith

He continues most cordially

To express his respect for me and pay me compliments

Crestfallen embarrassment

He senses this

Consider me a superior man

Undisguised contempt

Let his mind wander in contemplation

Bring him back to reality

He holds his head high
He stands as if rooted, with his hands clasped behind his back and his eyes to the ground

  1. eschew
  2. laconic
  3. faggot
  4. pariah
  5. phallic
  6. tromp
  7. fritter
  8. earshot
  9. bellyache
  10. sacramental
  11. protagonist
  12. laconic



    was indulging in the predictions of his future
whine n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚
imperious 傲慢的,专横的
effrontery  厚颜无耻
unwarrantable   不能保证的,不能承认的,不允许的

breech n. 后膛,臀部 v. 装上炮后膛,使穿短裤
a tall, gaunt woman
summing up the particulars of the event
an animated conversation
light of heart, high in spirits and full of expectation

promenade n. 散步,骑马,舞会 v. 漫步,骑马
halo (日月等)晕,神像之光环
topaz 黄晶,黄玉,蜂雀
slaty 石板一样的,石板色的
rung 脚蹬横木,横档,车辐
freestone 毛石
vane 风向标,风信旗
mirage 海市蜃楼,幻想
chimaera 吐火兽, 幻想,银鲛
He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV
( 他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上 )
He lay in a sprawl over the desk.
( 他手脚摊开趴在书桌上 )
The last part of the ascent is very steep
bilk v. 赖,白吃,白座 n. 赖帐,诈骗,骗子
wherewithal adv. 所需的财力(手段)
ascent n. 上升,上坡路
swerve v. 1. 突然转向;转弯;偏离方向 2. 背离[(+from)]
vt.1. 使突然转向;使转弯 2. 使背离[(+from)]
n.[C]1. 转向;偏离方向 2. 偏离的程度
despondency ( feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless )
warp n. 弯,歪曲,乖僻 v. 弄歪,翘曲
enterstice n. 细裂缝,空隙
garish 眩耀的,过分装饰的
delinquency n. 行为不良,错失
dereliction n. 废弃(不负责,错误,海水退后露出的新陆地)
sprawl vi. 1.躺卧(蔓延) 2.(植物)蔓生,蔓延 n. 躺卧(蔓延)
sap 1. the liquid within a plant that carries food to all parts of it
2 a foolish person;
3. (v) to gradually weaken(somebody's strength);
example: Her long illness gradually sapped her strength.
journeyman n. 熟练工人(计日工)
dop vt. 剪去树枝,剪去,砍掉
puny adj. 微小的,不足取的
sordid 肮脏的,不干净的,心一脏的
tickle n. 胳肢 v. 胳肢,发痒,使快乐
burnish n. 光泽 v. 擦亮,磨光 vt. 磨,抛光
tasset n. (盔甲的)腿甲,腿罩
alight v. 落,下
bicker v. 斗嘴,潺潺而流,闪动
clod n. 呆子,泥块,乡下佬
gradation 灰度,浓淡度,渐变,过度
granary n. 谷仓,谷物仓,谷产丰富的地区
corduroy n. 楞条花布,用该布制的衣服,裤子
adj. 楞条花布做的,沼地上用木头铺排成的
expanse n. 宽阔的区域,宽阔
rook n. 白嘴鸦,赌棍 vt. 骗
rick n. 干草堆 v. 堆成小屋形 n. 瑞克
fallow n. 休耕地 adj. 休耕的
dribble v. 流口水,滴下,运球
pleasanntry n. 幽默, 开玩笑
brimming adj. 盈满的
cast-rion adj. 铸铁的, 坚固的, 严格的
commemorate v. 纪念,庆祝 vt.&n. 纪念
obliterate v. 涂去,擦去,删除
immemorial (imi'mo:riel) adj. 太古的,极古的
hipped v. 熟悉内情 adj. 屋顶有斜脊的
quaint adj. 古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的
turret n. 小塔,角楼,攻城用仰冲车
shaft n. 轴,杆状物
upland n. [pl.]高地,山地
wriggle n. 蠕动,蜿蜒 v. 蠕动,蜿蜒前进
strut n. 高视阔步,支柱,抗压材 v. 趾高气扬地走,用支柱支撑
gable n. 山墙,三角墙
reave v. 夺,偷
hallmark n. 纯度检验证明,品质证明 v. 加盖纯度检验证明,有品质保证的
indispose [indis'pəuz]
v. 使厌恶,使不适当,使不能

Epicurus [.epi'kjuərəs]
伊壁鸠鲁(公元前342?-270, 古希腊杰出唯物主义和无神论者

impedimenta [im.pedi'mentə]
n. 随身携带物,行李

ingenuity [.indʒi'nju:iti]
n. 智巧,创造力,精巧的设计

exquisite ['ekskwizit]
adj. 精致的,细腻的,敏锐的

vivacity [vi'væsiti, vai-]
n. 快活,活泼,精神充沛

benediction [beni'dikʃən]
n. 祝祷,祝福
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