
转贴1篇文章介绍帮助低收入家庭小孩get to callege 的8个机构

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**** 转贴1篇文章介绍帮助低收入家庭小孩get to callege 的8个机构****

8 Awesome Organizations that Help Low-Income Students Get to College

Published by Allison Wignall

1. Equal Opportunity Schools (http://eoschools.org/)

With its goal of ensuring that each student receives the opportunity to be placed in challenging but rewarding classes, EOS works to have high school teachers talk with students one-on-one about educational opportunities and the benefits of AP classes.

By working with schools, advisors, teachers, and students, EOS is changing the way education looks at low-income students. Google awarded EOS with the Global Impact Award, giving the organization $1.8 million in funding, which allowed them to triple the number of students they help.

2. MDRC (http://www.mdrc.org/publication/aid-paycheck )

The mission of MDRC is all about “developing and testing solutions to the wide range of challenges that confront low-income individuals, families, and children.” While the scope of the organization does extend beyond students, their Aid Like a Paycheck program — in partnership with TICAS — focuses on effectively utilizing the student’s financial aid during college.

By distributing the aid money on a fixed, bi-weekly basis, the program helps the student achieve a healthy balance of time and dedication between school and a job. Such a balance eases stress and allows the student to put the proper amount of focus on studying and homework, improving both grades and graduation rates.

3. The Education Trust (http://edtrust.org/ )

EdTrust seeks educational justice for all students, especially low-income students and students of color. With its promise of being equality-driven, data-centered, and student-focused, EdTrust works with educators, students, parents, policymakers, and civic leaders to transform and better the school system. By analyzing local, state, and national data, EdTrust takes a hard look at opportunity gaps, and works diligently to close them. This passionate organizations works at the state and federal level to ensure equity in education.

4. QuestBridge (https://www.questbridge.org/ ) 这个比较有名,与不少著名大学有合作关系...

Wishing to revolutionize the way universities recruit talented low-income youth, QuestBridge offers students unique opportunities in the form of programs, scholarships, and networks. For high school seniors, there’s QuestBridge’s National College Match — a college and scholarship application process that helps low-income students gain admission into, and financial aid for the nation’s most selective schools. For juniors, there’s the College Prep Scholarship — an opportunity to get a leg up on college applications. Additionally, QuestBridge offers the Quest for Excellence Awards — a program which encourages and rewards those who achieve academic success.

5. National College Access Network (NCAN) (http://www.collegeaccess.org/ )

NCAN focuses on issues like rising tuition costs, confusing applications for colleges and financial aid, and lacking resources that all work against qualified students from pursuing higher education. NCAN takes their mission to the national level where they advocate for equality, diversity, and positive change in education.

6. iMentor (https://www.imentor.org/ )

This New York-based organization matches students from low-income communities to mentors in order to empower the student to graduate high school, attend and graduate college, and achieve their goals. Students work with their mentor one-on-one, both in person and online, to develop a strong relationship, encourage college interest, and navigate the application process. Mentor-mentee matches can be connected for three to four years, or beyond into their first year at college, with the option of sticking with the program till college graduation. Though primarily working with New York public schools, iMentor has helped students nationwide achieve success.

7. OneGoal ( http://www.onegoalgraduation.org/ )

OneGoal, as its name suggests, has a singular mission — to make college graduation possible for all students. This teacher-led organization aims to identify low-income, under-performing students and aid them towards graduation and higher education. OneGoal hires, trains, and supports dedicated teachers who wish to help students reach their full potential.

8.  College Possible (http://www.collegepossible.org/ )

This organization is dedicated to college success for low-income students by offering them support and coaching. Coaches guide students in preparing for college by meeting with them in after-school sessions. The junior curriculum serves to introduce students to college life through campus tours and summer programs. The senior curriculum helps students apply for colleges, financial aid, and scholarships, and oversees their transition to higher level education.

Coaches guide the students through the college process, ensuring that they are prepared, educated, and eager for college. Coaches even stay in contact with their students all the way through college graduation, providing support and encouragement throughout their education.





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