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他们 忿;因忿6:16-17






羔羊怒来自启示录6:16 它的下一句经文,启示录6:17 ,告诉我们这也是神之怒样说是有道理的,因为在约翰福音10:30里,耶稣说:“我与父原为一。”


撒旦怒来自詹姆斯国王版启示录12:12撒旦被描述为具有极大的忿怒,因为被踢出天堂,知道他只有很短的一段时间来完成他的目标:即征服地球。大灾难开始,就发生了它被从天上驱逐出来的事件这是神仅仅在的审判之前,完成的追随者所释放的愤怒。所以可以,撒旦并不是最后一系列的审判的作者而是他们的目标。撒旦的愤怒的希腊字是“ thymos ” ,而它有时指上帝的愤怒, “ ORGE ”这个词最常用来指神之怒。这两个词在这里使用的差异,在于神的愤怒是审判的起源,而撒旦的愤怒是这个审判的反应

紧跟在耶稣第二次降临之后的审判马太福音 24:45-25:46有描述。他们将决定大灾难的幸存者中,谁欢迎进入地年王国。所有不信的幸存者将在那个时候被从这个星球上清除耶稣的第二次降临马太福音24-25里的审判以及为千禧王国时代的准备,将在结束大灾难后的最初75天内完成但以理书12:12 ,这是从来没有被称为神之怒的一段时间。




第一套命名的审判,被称为封印审判,因为他们随着耶稣打开天父给祂的书卷上的封印而发生。他们在启示录6描述了这一段时间开始人们认为和平来到地球,最后结束时才意识这是神之怒开始。在叙述这段时间时,保罗说,当人们说和平与安全时,摧毁就忽然临到他们,像一名孕妇的阵痛,他们绝不能逃脱帖撒罗尼迦前书5:3 前六个印审判给世界的四分之一人口带来战争,饥荒,瘟疫和死亡,同时教会提升后有大批相信者,他们最后都牺牲成了烈士


第六号角审判之后,一件无名的事件将在地球发生一位大力天使发出信号后,电将发声,虽然约翰被禁止告诉我们他们会说什么,学者们推测,这可能是某种未经宣布的审判启示录10:1-4 )。

第七角的响,将宣耶稣统治地球的开始启示录11:15-18 )。在天堂里的战争将导致撒旦和的使者永久驱逐出天堂(12:7-12 。撒旦将被局限于地球,将与它代理合二为一敌基督,并会他从以色列的圣殿宣布他是神(帖后2:4)。耶稣说,这将揭开大灾难的序幕,世界将遭受有史以来,以及将来都从未有过的严重的大灾难。他警告那时住在以色列犹太人立即逃命24:15-21)。

这将在但以理70的中间开始发生,在这时候,神的愤怒,通过最后一系列的审判,全部向撒旦和的追随者释放(启示录 16-18)。他们被称为碗的审判,因为它们被天使向地球倾倒七碗盛装神的异象所代表这些审判的力量以及它们所造成的破坏是无法形容正如耶稣说,如果他没有在预定的时间中止它们,没有一个人能够生存马太福音24:22)。

我相信这些审判的效果之一将是完成地球的恢复工作里的拆除期。耶稣在马太福音 19:28提到,彼得也在使徒行传3:21证实,约翰则在启示录21:1也有所描述 。例如启示录16:16-21世界将经历最严重的地震,使每一座山都倒下,岛屿消失,而全世界的城市被摧毁,同时100重的冰雹会像炸弹一样轰击地球。当我说你不希望你最痛恨的敌人遭受这些,你可以相信我。



保罗明确表示,在这些审判的任何时候,教会将不会在地球上 1:10 他写道,耶稣会拯救我们脱离这些将来的忿怒(这节经文希腊原文是指将来的忿怒的时间和地点,所以当它发生的时候,我们将不在;在它们所发生的地方,我们也在场 ,他将做到这一点,因为上帝没有指定我们受惩罚,乃是借着我们的主耶稣基督来拯救我们帖撒罗尼迦前书5:9)。


你会看到决定相信主为你所做的一切,是你的一生中决定性的时刻,你会明白,它让你成为世界的最终胜利者之一。你会意识到这是上帝一直打算为你做,你会知道,当你来到主的面前时,为什么天上的天使们会爆发出欢乐的庆祝。如果你仔细听,你几乎可以听到弥赛亚的脚步 13928


The Wrath Of God

A Feature Article by Jack Kelley

Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea (Luke 21:25).

They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Rev. 6:16-17).

I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed (Rev. 15:1).

For 20 centuries various forms of the phrase “Wrath of God” brought one image to mind and that was the period of end times judgments that immediately precede the 2nd Coming. But lately it has begun to mean different things to different people. At the same time phrases like the Wrath of the Lamb, the Wrath of Man, and the Wrath of Satan have also crept into the discussion. In addition, some have begun speaking of a period of judgment they call the Wrath of God which is not mentioned in the Bible. They say it comes right after the 2nd Coming. Others have even said the Wrath of God refers to the eternal punishment that follows the Millennium.

So What Is The Wrath Of God?

From the Revelation quotes above we can see that it’s a period of judgment that begins during the seal judgments of Rev. 6 and ends with the bowl judgments of Rev. 16-18. When some form of this phrase appears in the New Testament it’s almost always in reference to the end time judgments.

If that’s the case what are these other so-called periods of wrath we hear about?


The Wrath of the Lamb comes from Rev. 6:16. The very next verse, Rev. 6:17, tells us it’s also God’s Wrath which makes sense because in John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.”

The Wrath of Man is a phrase that doesn’t appear in the Bible, but some commentators have used it to describe what has traditionally been called the first four Seal Judgments of Rev. 6, also known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Again, this is part of God’s wrath. The four horsemen symbolize the initial appearance of the anti-Christ and his efforts to gain control of the world through conquest (Rev. 6:2).

The Wrath of Satan comes from the King James version of Rev. 12:12 where Satan is described as having great wrath because he’s been kicked out of heaven and knows he has only a short period of time to accomplish his goal of conquering Earth. His expulsion from heaven will happen at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, shortly before the Bowl judgments that complete God’s Wrath are unleashed against him and his followers. So you see, Satan is not the author of this final series of judgments but is their target. The Greek word used of Satan’s wrath is “thymos” and while it sometimes refers to God’s wrath as well, “orge” is the word most frequently used in connection with God’s Wrath. The difference between the two words as they’re used here is that God’s wrath is the origin of judgment while Satan’s wrath is the reaction to judgment.

The judgments that immediately follow the 2nd coming are described in Matt. 24:45-25:46. They will determine who among the survivors of the Great Tribulation will be welcomed into the Millennial Kingdom on Earth. All unbelieving survivors will be taken off the planet at that time. The 2nd Coming, the judgments of Matt. 24-25 and preparations for the Kingdom Age will be completed in the first 75 days from the end of the Great Tribulation (Daniel 12:12) which are never referred to as the time of God’s Wrath.

The same is true of the Great White Throne judgment of Rev. 20:11-15. At the end of the Millennium the unbelieving dead from all ages will be gathered for their final judgment. Anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternal punishment. The Lake of Fire is never referred to as God’s Wrath.

From these and other passages we can safely conclude that New Testament references to God’s Wrath overwhelmingly describe a specific period of judgment upon the post rapture world, beginning early in Daniel’s 70th Week and ending just before the 2nd Coming. His Wrath consists of three named sets of judgments and and possibly an additional one that’s unnamed.

Three Sets Of Judgments

The first set of named judgments is called the Seal judgments because they occur as Jesus opens seven seals on a scroll the Father will hand Him. They’re described in Rev. 6 as a period of time beginning with the perception that peace has come to Earth and ending with the realization that God’s Wrath has begun. In writing about this time Paul said, “When people are saying ‘peace and safety’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thes. 5:3). The first six Seal Judgments will bring war, famine, plague and death to 1/4th of the world along with massive martyring of post rapture believers.

The seventh Seal is not a judgment in and of itself but introduces the second named series, called the Trumpet Judgments (Rev. 8:4-9:21). As seven angels blow their trumpets in turn, the sound of each trumpet will introduce another judgment. This series of judgments will combine natural with supernatural attacks upon humanity and by the time they’re finished a third of the earth’s forests and fields will be ablaze, a third of the sea creatures will have died, a third of Earth’s water supply will have been contaminated, and a third of the people who survived the seal judgments will have died.

After the sixth Trumpet judgment an unnamed event will be visited upon the Earth. At a signal from a mighty angel seven thunders will speak, and although John was forbidden from telling us what they will say, scholars speculate that it might be an unannounced judgment of some kind (Rev. 10:1-4).

The blowing of the 7th Trumpet will announce the commencement of the Lord’s reign over Planet Earth (Rev. 11:15-18). War in Heaven will result in the permanent expulsion of Satan and his angels (Rev. 12:7-12). Having been confined to Earth, Satan will indwell his man, the anti-Christ, and will cause him to announce from the Temple in Israel that he is God (2 Thes. 2:4). Jesus said this will kick off the Great Tribulation, the worst disaster the world ever has or ever will suffer. He warned the Jewish people who will be living in Israel at the time to immediately flee for their lives (Matt. 24:15-21).

This will take place in the middle of Daniel’s 70th Week and at this point the full force of God’s wrath will be loosed upon Satan and his followers in the final series of judgments (Rev. 16-18). They’re called the Bowl judgments because they’re symbolized by angels pouring out seven bowls of God’s Wrath upon the Earth. The power of these judgments and the devastation they cause is beyond description. Jesus was correct in saying that if He didn’t stop them at the appointed time, not a single human being would survive (Matt. 24:22).

I believe one effect of these judgments will be to complete the demolition phase of the Earth’s restoration, which Jesus spoke of in Matt. 19:28, Peter confirmed in Acts 3:21 and John described in Rev. 21:1. For example Revelation 16:16-21 speaks of the worst earthquake the world has ever experienced causing every mountain to fall down, islands to disappear, and the cities of the nations to be destroyed, while 100 lb. hailstones bombard the Earth. Believe me when I say you wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy.

Much of the world’s remaining population will die during this time, but because of it the Earth will be ready for restoration to the condition it was in when Adam was created. This will happen at the time of the 2nd Coming (Acts 3:21).

What About Us?

Paul made it clear that the Church will not be present on Earth during any of this time of judgment. In 1 Thes. 1:10 he wrote that Jesus will rescue us from the coming wrath. (The Greek word translated from in this verse refers to both the time and place of the coming wrath, so we won’t be present when it happens and we won’t be present where it happens.)  He will do this because God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thes. 5:9).

If you believe you’re a sinner, but that God sent His Son to die for your sins, and if you’ve accepted His death as having paid their full penalty, then you won’t have to face any of these judgments. One day soon, you’ll disappear with the rest of us and will be in Heaven with the Lord while all this is happening on Earth.

You’ll see that your decision to believe in what the Lord did for you was the defining moment of your life and you will understand that it made you into one of the world’s ultimate winners. You’ll realize this is what God always intended for you to do and you’ll know why the Heavenly Host is erupting into joyous celebration as you come into the presence of the Lord. If you listen carefully you can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah. 09-28-13

Questions On The Future Of Satan

Q. Hi! I’m addicted to your website…it’s fantastic! A couple of questions…

I was just reading about the origin of Satan and his fall…it says that he will be expelled from Heaven at the end of the Tribulation and bound in the Abyss until the 1000 years is up – does that mean that he is in Heaven (or some part of it) now? I thought he was expelled from the moment he rebelled against God and had to dwell on earth until he gets thrown into the lake of fire at the end.

Which brings me to my next question: Didn’t Jesus actually go into Hell when he died at the cross to get back the keys from Satan, leaving him with a fatal blow to the head? In which case, doesn’t that mean Satan would have to be in Hell now?

A. When he rebelled, Satan was deprived of his former positions and privileges, but still has access to heaven where he comes to accuse the saints. Job 1:6 and Rev 12:8-10 both confirm this. In the future he will be confined to Earth at the beginning of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 12:13-14) before being chained in the abyss for 1000 years.

The idea that Jesus contended with Satan in Hell and left him wounded can not be supported in Scripture. In the future, the anti-Christ will suffer a head wound (Rev. 13:3), and Satan will be given the key to abyss to release the demon locusts who will torment unbelievers (Rev. 9:1) but none of these things had happened when Jesus went to the cross. Satan won’t be permanently consigned to hell until the rebellion at the end of the Millennium.(Rev 20:10)

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