


(2013-04-27 11:02:55) 下一个
A Hunter’s Take: The heart of a true hunter

Cruel, greedy, bloodthirsty.
A killer of nature.
Admit it. That is what runs through your head when I mention the word “hunter”.
They will do everything they can to earn money. They love the sight of blood spurting out of an animal’s head, hearing them cry out in helplessness, watching the life drain out of them, right?
True hunters hunt for only the meat of an animal and the excitement of the hunt. They do not take pleasure in slaying every last animal on earth. The hunters actually take actions to conserve nature more than you do. They definitely think that saving an animal, the Amur leopard in this case, from the brink of extinction is worth it, whether it is to maintain the balance of the ecosystem, or just from their admiration of the beautiful animal.
Hunting can also involve the elimination of harmful animals as a means to prevent overpopulation. Furthermore hunting  can be a part of wildlife management to help maintain a population of healthy animals when predators are absent. 
Hunters take their time to study the behavior of animals, knowing where they like to visit and experiencing them first hand. Through this knowledge, they respect the animals, the Amur leopards. They appreciate their magnificence, they feel their struggles to survive in the face of extinction, and they are more than willing to conserve their habitat.
They understand why each and every animal is important to the ecosystem. They understand that saving the Amur leopards is vital to maintaining the balance of nature as a key predator role to keep the numbers of their prey in check. No matter how brilliant their fur is, how high the market demand is, the hunters know that wiping the leopards out will cause the roe and sika deer population to rise beyond control. And they will do all they can to try and save the leopards.
$746 million are spent by hunters every year in the United States towards nature resource agencies and wildlife conservation. This money helped greatly towards conservation projects. Such an example is the wild turkey. In 1907, there were only 100,000 left, now their population has grown to 5.6 million, thanks to the hunters’ monetary contribution.
If they believe that it is worth the effort, how about you?
Do you think you care more for the leopards than the “heartless” hunters?
Time is running out.
Procrastinate any longer, and they will be gone. Vanished.
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.  ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732
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