If you are comfortable with the uncertainty and new challenges and enjoy experiencing new cultures and meeting new people on a daily basis, while holidaying around the world, this maybe the life style for you, provided you have a fully-paid off nice house to cash out.

Martin Family
我写这篇文章时,我们已经住进了离泰晤士河(River Thames)100码的一间可爱的一居室公寓,这里距伦敦心脏地带只有25分钟火车车程。我们有个搬家诀窍。花了几分钟在新住所放下我们的东西之后,这里就变成了我们自己的家:闹钟放在床的旁边;我最爱的蔬菜削皮器和即时读数温度计在厨房里;我们的笔记本电脑已经插好电,开始工作。我们一起开始学习如何利用房中的各种器具。

Martin Family
马丁斯夫妇(Martins )在巴黎圣母院
同时,我们享用着如同来自天堂的美味鹅肝午餐,驾车穿过风景如画的法国乡村──那里甚至连牛都那么美丽──并在饭后徜徉在意大利的阿诺河(Arno River)畔。
只要还走得动,我们就不会停止这种旅行。LYNNE MARTIN
2012年 11月 16日
The Let's-Sell-Our-House-And-See-The-World Retirement
I'm 70 years old. My husband, Tim,
is 66. For most of our lives, each of us lived and worked in California.
Today, our home is wherever we and our 30-inch suitcases are.
short, we're senior gypsies. In early 2011 we sold our house in
California and moved the few objects we wanted to keep into a
10-by-15-foot storage unit. Since then, we have lived in furnished
apartments and houses in Mexico, Argentina, Florida, Turkey, France,
Italy and England. In the next couple of months, we will live in Ireland
and Morocco before returning briefly to the U.S. for the holidays.
I write this, we have settled into a darling one-bedroom apartment a
hundred yards from the River Thames, a 25-minute train ride from the
heart of London. We have a knack for moving in. Within a few minutes of
plunking down our belongings in new digs, we have made it our own: The
alarm clock is beside the bed; my favorite vegetable peeler and
instant-read thermometer are in the kitchen; and our laptop computers
are hooked up and humming. Together we begin learning how to make the
appliances cooperate.
Given all that, I suppose a better way to describe us is gypsies who like to put down roots. At least for a month or two.
we're doing this is simple: My husband and I─in a heart-to-heart
conversation during a trip to Mexico─realized that both of us are
happier when we're on the road. We enjoy excellent health and share a
desire to see the world in bigger bites than a three-week vacation
allows. The notion of living like the locals in other countries thrilled
us, and after almost 18 months of living 'home free,' we are still
delighted with our choice. Even a 'cocooning' day is more interesting in
Paris or Istanbul.
How we're doing this is more complicated. But
we think our plan would work for many retirees with a reasonably
healthy nest egg. A budget on the road─as in a stationary life─depends
on how a person prioritizes expenditures and what kind of lifestyle he
or she wishes to pursue. Someone who needs a large wardrobe or thrives
on giving lavish dinner parties wouldn't find our life appealing.
(Rented places seldom offer much in the way of attractive dinnerware.)
certainly have moments when we question our sanity. Being up to our
knees in water, completely lost in the middle of a torrential rainstorm
in Istanbul, or discovering that we have locked ourselves out on a
third-floor Paris balcony does give us pause.
But we've learned
three things. First, coping with new situations and making complicated
travel plans even as we're on the road keep us sharp.
Second, we
aren't alone. We meet fellow retirees on a regular basis, some who are
taking extended vacations, others who are leading a life similar to
ours, and some who have settled permanently overseas. A man I met early
on in our travels said to me, 'There are a lot of us out there who have
figured it out.'
Third and most important, the rewards far
outweigh the risks. The moments when we glance out 'our' living-room
window at Florence's skyline or turn a corner in 'our' neighborhood and
see the tip of the Eiffel Tower winking at us make the scary times
Taking the Plunge
international nomads sounded appealing, but we first had to find a way
to afford such a lifestyle. Serious number-crunching showed that selling
our home in California would allow us to live comfortably almost
anyplace in the world. Not having property taxes or a roof that needs
fixing can pay for a lot of train rides.
A few specifics about
money. Our financial adviser sends us about $6,000 a month, generated
from investments. We also collect Social Security and a small pension.
We have a 'slush fund' of about $20,000, which allows us to make advance
deposits─for housing, cruises, flights, hotels and so forth─without
affecting our cash flow.
We follow some simple strategies to keep
our budget in line. Stays in more expensive locations, like Paris or
London, are balanced by living in less pricey countries like Mexico,
Turkey or Portugal. We dine out several times a week but eat at home
much of the time. I like to cook, and food shopping is a great way to
learn about a country. (Finding baking soda in Buenos Aires isn't nearly
as simple as it sounds.)
People certainly could live on less
than we do. Accommodations are a good place to start; the cost of
rentals overseas varies considerably with size, season, location and
And when all else fails, walking and gawking are free everywhere.
Ocean of Opportunity
we have used airplanes, trains, buses, taxis, cars and ferries, our
favorite means of transportation is now trans-Atlantic repositioning
When cruise lines move their ships seasonally, they
offer big discounts. Not many people can spare several weeks in the
off-season to cross the ocean. But it's perfect for us because we not
only reach our destination, but we also are housed, fed and pampered for
more than two weeks each time. Traveling by ship, we arrive in sync
with local time and get a quick peek at interesting places that we
probably wouldn't choose for an extended visit.
We are not
married to any particular cruise line. Tim shops for the best deal he
can find that fits into our schedule, although we sometimes schedule
around the cruises. Prices vary. In May, our Atlantic crossing─16 nights
with an ocean-view room─cost about $2,500 for the two of us. That
included all of our food, and a wine package for me. Our return trip in
November from Barcelona to Miami with the same cruise line will cost
about the same.
Our repositioning bookings extend into 2014 and
form the base from which the rest of our travels plans will grow. At the
moment, we have reservations for next year to live in Portugal, Spain,
France, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia. We are already confirmed
for a Paris apartment for June/July 2014.
In our experience,
vrbo.com and homeaway.com are the most reliable sources for short-term
rentals. They offer a wide range of properties to fit almost any budget,
and because we usually stay at least a month in each place, we can
sometimes negotiate a slightly better deal.
Settling In
have had the best luck renting properties whose owners live locally.
They offer information about transportation and shopping, grant
reasonable special requests and are usually quick to correct any
shortcomings. When I mentioned to our apartment owner in Paris that the
pots and pans were a bit tired, she appeared the very next day with a
new set of cookware and two wonderful stainless-steel frying pans.
course, challenges await us at each destination. A partial list:
learning how to negotiate the grocery-store routine; using local
transportation; connecting to the Internet; getting decent haircuts;
operating heating and cooling systems; deciphering exotic DVD players.
meals in an unfamiliar kitchen is often a particular challenge;
microwave instructions in French or Turkish can considerably delay meal
preparation, And every washer/dryer we encounter presents a whole new
group of mysterious settings.
So Far, So Wonderful
Connecting with people we would never have encountered in our regular lives is the most thrilling part of our lifestyle.
Paris, my favorite neighborhood cheese vendor chose a slice of Brie
that he guaranteed would melt perfectly at the precise time our guests
arrived, and it did; we met two brilliant young Serbian educators and an
internationally known Italian poet at a dinner party on a terrace
overlooking Florence; and the owner of a gorgeous 16th-century hotel
where we were staying in Kusadasi, Turkey, whiled away an afternoon with
me playing fast and furious backgammon. Such moments make the
uncomfortable times─like being stuck in a London traffic jam while still
learning to drive a stick-shift car on the left side─more than
We also enjoy the freedom of not being weighed down
by our 'things.' Indeed, one of the benefits of living home-free is that
people we meet on the road are interested in us and could care less
about our house, our antiques, our art or other possessions. It's a
remarkably forthright way to relate to others.
Most days we're up
by 8 a.m., and we read our newspapers online with our coffee. If it's a
'tourist' day, we try to get out in the morning before the crowds fill
up the museum, historic site or event we're bound for. Sometimes we just
attend to life with grocery or clothes shopping, or catching up on our
laundry and our reading.
Strolling along the Thames on the way to
have a haircut turns a mundane chore into an event, and many times we
enjoy a chat with an interesting stranger along the way. My husband
devotes some time every day to making travel plans for the future and
writing a novel, and I try to work regularly on my blog,
homefreeadventures.com. Many evenings we watch our favorite shows or a
movie we've rented online, and we usually stay up too late, just as we
used to do at home.
Online Connection
Since we have eliminated
homeownership, we have few bills to pay. We use an online bill-paying
service, and we buy almost everything by credit card so we can rack up
mileage rewards. One of our daughters receives the mail, which has
dwindled to almost nothing.
A good Internet connection is
essential. Our computers link us with family and friends, help us plan
future travels, and are our source of entertainment in places where
movies and television in English are elusive. Each of us has a laptop
and an iPhone, and our Kindles house our library and travel books.
have Medicare and supplemental plans, and when we return to the U.S.,
we see our doctors for annual checkups. We also have international
health insurance covering medical emergencies and evacuations. The plan
has a big deductible to help reduce our overhead, since our experiences
with health-care providers abroad have been very positive. For instance,
Tim awoke one morning in Mexico with raging flu symptoms. A doctor was
at his bedside within the hour, administered an injection and gave us a
prescription. He charged about $50, and Tim recovered quickly.
course, we miss our family and friends terribly, but they have forgiven
us for leaving and welcome us enthusiastically when we rent a house
near them for a visit. Even our financial adviser has grudgingly
admitted that our plan is working well.
For us, giving up 2,500
square feet of gracious California living for a 500-square-foot
apartment in Paris or Istanbul is more than a fair trade-off. In place
of our heavy-duty gas stove, big-name pots and pans and enormous
refrigerator, we now find ourselves using Barbie-size sinks, bar fridges
and some pretty sketchy cookware. We share bathrooms with one sink and
watch movies on a 13-inch computer screen.
At the same time, we
enjoy lunches where the paté comes from heaven, drives through the
luscious French countryside where even the cows are beautiful, and
strolls along the Arno River in Italy for our after-dinner exercise.
We don't plan to quit until the wheels fall off.