


(2010-08-26 21:00:18) 下一个

What’s the best advice Warren Buffett has ever received?  You might be surprised: It has nothing to do with money.

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In an exclusive interview with Yahoo! News and the Huffington Post, he credited his father with teaching him how to live, and explained that all parents can make a "better human being":

"The power of unconditional love. I mean, there is no power on earth like unconditional love. And I think that if you offered that to your child, I mean, you’re 90 percent of the way home. There may be days when you don’t feel like it — it’s not uncritical love; that’s a different animal — but to know you can always come back, that is huge in life. That takes you a long, long way. And I would say that every parent out there that can extend that to their child at an early age, it’s going to make for a better human being."

Buffett spoke from Sun Valley, Idaho, while attending the Allen & Company conference, an annual gathering of technology and media leaders.

One of the most successful investors of our age, Buffett has been dubbed the Oracle of Omaha for his wide-ranging views on economic, political and cultural issues. (Berkshire Hathaway, his company, is headquartered in Omaha.)

Buffett is in the process of donating 99 percent of his wealth to charity, and recently gave away about $2 billion. He has joined forces once again with Bill and Melinda Gates on an initiative to persuade the world's billionaires to donate half their fortunes to charity.


To that end, Buffett says Oprah Winfrey should expect his call:

And when he’s not recruiting billionaire philanthropists or running Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett told us, he’s probably online. One of his favorite sites? YouTube.


Find out what Buffett watches on YouTube and get his take on Facebook and Twitter here:

— Anna Robertson and Erin Green produced the interview for Yahoo! News.

More about Warren Buffett on Yahoo! News:
Buffett to LeBron James: 'Call me'
BP CEO should go, says Buffett
Buffett's sunny forecast for the economy
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