


(2009-02-10 22:25:33) 下一个

by Robert Kiyosaki

In 1971, the rules of money changed. In 1971, President Richard Nixon took the
U.S. dollar off the gold standard. Today, 37 years later, the U.S. dollar has become
toxic as it falls rapidly in value. Recently, The Economist called the dollar’s fall
“the biggest default in history,” exceeding those of any emerging market
catastrophe. Today the rich get richer as the financial resources of America’s
poor and middle class are wiped out. Unfortunately, the poor and middle class
have no idea the rules of money have changed.

I offer my views on the New Rules
of Money. Before discussing the new rules, I think it’s important that I cover the old


1. Go to school so you can get a safe, secure job. During my dad’s time,
people did this. They went to school, got a job, and stayed with the
company until they retired. Today, we all know that job security is a
myth, especially as jobs are exported. Billions of people in the third world
enter the global market competing for your job at a lower wage, and
technology wipes out companies that do not stay competitive. Today,
rather than having a job for life, those born after 1970 will probably have
four to seven jobs in their lifetime.

2. Work hard, climb the ladder, and earn more money. The problem with
working hard as an employee is the tax laws are written against
employees. The more money an employee makes, the higher the
percentage in taxes the government takes.
Most of us have heard Warren Buffett say that he thought it unfair that
he pays a lower percentage in taxes than his secretary.

3. Save money. Savers are losers, especially if you are saving U.S. dollars.
Since 1971, the U.S. has been able to print money faster than the country
earns it. This causes the value of savings to erode as prices increase. Adolf
Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany after the middle class had their
savings wiped out due to hyperinflation. Stalin and Mao also rose to
power when the previous leaders devalued their money.

4. Get out of debt. Because the value of the U.S. dollar is falling rapidly, it is
important to know the difference between good debt and bad debt.
Unfortunately, even the U.S. banks are loaded with bad debt, a.k.a.
subprime debt. If you want to become wealthy in a subprime world, it is
important to know how to use good debt to offset the falling value of
the U.S. dollar. If they are smart, debtors can be winners.

5. Invest in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds through your
company’s 401(k). First of all, Warren Buffett does not diversify. He says,
“Diversification is for people who do not know what they are doing.”
Second of all, John Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group and one of
the more brilliant minds in investing today, says that mutual fund
companies have been ripping investors off. He states that investors in
mutual funds put up 100% of the capital, absorb 100% of the risk, and
receive only 20% of the rewards. The 80% in investor gains goes to the
mutual fund company. On top of that, the Wall Street Journal called the
last ten years “the lost decade” because there have been no real
profits in stocks for the past ten years.


1. Keep your daytime job but start a part-time business. In other words,
become an entrepreneur at home. Not only will you learn a lot, but the
tax rules of the rich swing to your favor. If your business grows and can
replace the income from your job, you may be ready to spread your
wings and fly. As you may know, the richest people on earth are
entrepreneurs who invest in real estate.

2. Become an entrepreneur. The world’s most successful entrepreneurs did
not go to school nor did they climb the corporate ladder. Many of the
most famous entrepreneurs did not do well in school. Some of them are:
Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company. Ford could use the old
man today. Thomas Edison, the founder of General Electric, was called
“addled” by his teachers. Others include Bill Gates of Microsoft, Michael
Dell of Dell Computers, Steve Jobs of Apple, Richard Branson of Virgin.
Today, for a country to remain competitive, we need more entrepreneurs
and fewer employees. With more entrepreneurs and fewer employees,
wages could go back up. Unfortunately, most parents still say to their kids,
“Go to school so you can get a job.” In other words, many people and our
schools program kids to be employees – rather than entrepreneurs.

3. Hedge your money. Instead of saving money, keep your money liquid in
assets that increase in value as the dollar drops in value. Personally, I keep my
liquidity in gold and silver ETFs. I buy every time the price of gold or silver goes
down. Today, as I write, I believe gold is a good price under $1000 and silver a
bargain at under $25. If I need cash in a hurry, I sell my gold or silver ETFs.

4. Use debt as leverage. I am deeply in debt… good debt. I use debt to
make me richer. I could pay off my home, but my effective interest is
only 6%. As long as I can earn a 15% or higher return on my money, I’ll
invest my money rather than pay off debt.
If you are a professional investor, a 50% to an infinite return on your
money is possible. If you would like to find out how I achieve an infinite
return, read my latest book, Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ.
One reason I do not diversify is because diversification is like going to the
racetrack and betting on every horse. The only way you win by
diversifying at the racetrack is if the dark horse wins. I would prefer to
focus and pick winners. One myth in investing is that higher returns
require higher risks. That is a huge myth. As Buffett says, “Risk comes from
not knowing what you are doing.”

5. Know the difference between salespeople and rich people. One of the
reasons so many people are in trouble financially today is because they
get their financial advice from sales people. Today, I cringe whenever I
hear so-called investment gurus, who are really sales people,
recommending the old rules of money. As Warren Buffett says, “Wall Street
is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from
those who take the subway.”
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