刘杨于一九七六年生于北京。十三岁随家人迁居德国。十七岁时被德国柏林艺术大学设计系录取,师从于霍尔格.马帝斯,获硕士及大师班学位。毕业后曾先后在伦敦、柏林、纽约工作及生活。零四年在柏林开始自己得设计工作室。曾任教于荷兰设计中心,中国中央美术学院设计系,英国格拉斯歌美术学院,并在国际设计研讨会及博览会讲座。刘杨的作品曾多次在国际设计大赛中获重要奖项,作品被国际多家博物馆展览并收藏。 Kids and Que Anger and comments Daily life of the Old and the medicine for stomach pain Party and the beauty standard Tourist and the Fashion Daily meals and the image of the others In the restraunt and the life style Leader and Transportation Dealing with problems and the definition of On time New things and Relationship Shower time and Weather Street of sunday and Self END