
just a diary..

(2008-11-29 14:38:07) 下一个
As it has been for the past three weeks, I woke up early in the morning and went to attend the daily mass. It suddenly dawn on me how this resembles human relationships. To grow closer to God, I have to commit to attending mass every day, make the effort to be there on time, and be persistent no matter how much I just want to stay in bed on a chilly morning !  For being close to our loved ones, don't we have to make the commitment to spend time together and stick with the ritual day in and day out ? It calls for great amount of perseverance.

I can't be grateful enough for all the blessings God has given me. This past Thanksgiving holiday has been one very special to me. I heard from someone whose friendship I thought I had lost forever and whom I have been secretly praying for the chance to speak with again. God did hear my prayers and granted my wishes ! Thank and praise the Lord !

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煮酒论英雄 回复 悄悄话 在你给我的博克留言的回复里,我就说到,你是那么地善良,美丽,任何人都会满足你的要求的。看来,真的应验了。好好珍惜啊。