
Weekly Entry #11

(2012-12-09 20:43:42) 下一个

ShouldWe Have Homeschooling?


As many peoplebelieve, homeschooling is the ideal way of educating children. Thechildren learn a lot faster, a lot more, and have better chances ofentering colleges. Parents also get to spend valuable time withchildren while children don't have to be exposed to bullying. On theother side, kids don't meet many friends, are excluded from music,sports and art. There aren't any school sponsored extra-curriculumactivities such as Mathcounts, orchestra, or spelling bees. Which wayreally is the best developing method for kids?

As a pro forhomeschooling, the many advantages of it mainly is based on academicimprovements. Many kids claim that they learned more knowledge in ashorter amount of time than it would take to learn in school. Parentsalso get to enjoy their time with children and teaching them. Thoughit may be a vigorous and tiring “job” with no pay, the out comeof their child's life is definitely worth it. One major reason whyparents home school their kids because of bullying. The topic ofbullying whether bullying online, physically punching and pushing, orjust calling people names, no one likes the idea of hurting peoplephysically and emotionally. Besides, the idea that kids will not havea social life and learn leadership is false. There are home schoolcommunities so that children learn side by side with other childrensimilar to a very small school. So it isn't a bad idea to home schoolyour child.

The otherextreme to a way of educating children is just the plain old schoolsor private schools. Though bullies low education and bad food couldbe a potential problem, there's always a bright side. The part thathomeschooling doesn't have and normal schools do, are the extracurriculum. Kids can choose whether to learn instruments, or sign-upfor sports. Go to state spelling bees, or join Mathcounts. Childrenalso get to meet other fellow students and make friends, participatein group activities, learn teamwork, and most of all, play together.Just because home schooled children have the capability of learningmore, doesn't mean children in school can do just the same thing.

Whetherhomeschooling or not, the decision on how kids should grow up and inwhat kind of environment is yours.

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