
Weekly Entry #12

(2012-12-09 20:42:01) 下一个

WeeklyEntry #12 12/9/12

Shouldstudents have to wear uniforms to school? That is the big question.Some people think that students are becoming more and moreself-conscious of their clothes and many students believe that takingaway the choice of clothing takes away their privileges. Wearing auniform isn't like being put in jail. Sure people with OCD would feelat home but uniforms aren't enforced to be worn 24/7. It's only foran eight hour period. C'mon, that's only a third of the day. Studieseven show that there is a very big increase of students just wearingalmost all the same thing. It's time that students need to wearuniforms instead of just casual clothes.

One of themain points for uniforms is so that student's can study more. Studyis boring, Why study when you can play? Because of concentratedstudy, Students have a higher chance of success in their future. It'slogical that the smarter students, the better the economy. Girls andeven boys who spend to much time dressing up, are caring about theirhair spend less time preparing for school. An example such as stylingyour hair when you could check your homework. Middle school and highschool is a place to learn, not a place to develop a modeling career,That's in college.

One bitbenefit for uniforms is it saves money. In the economy like this, whowouldn't want to save money? With uniforms, parents won't have tospend so much money buying excess clothes. Instead, all they need todo is buy how ever many uniforms the sells. By doing this, kids don'tneed to buy more and more clothes. For about $60 on a Levi jeans,parents could buy a complete uniform. One mother says that she saved$130 because she bought a uniform for her daughter and that uniformcould be worn the next year. With uniforms helping students to besmarter, they also save money.

The seasonshave order and the currents of the seas are organized, so whyshouldn't students be orderly? If many things in nature has a certaincycle set for it, humans should learn from this. Uniforms allowhumans to be systematic like nature. Besides, we're are one of theonly things that aren't methodical in nature The reason why theuniform was invented was because the uniform symbolizes uniformity.Hence the word “Uniform” “One Form”. The point of a uniformshows that everyone who wears it is equal. That is why the people inthe army don't wear normal clothes. They wear certain uniforms.Uniforms are meant to keep things in order.

Some peoplethink that uniforms don't let children be unique, but that's wrong.Just because a kid wears his cap backwards while others don't, doesnot make one unique. Kids who do wear uniforms can express theiruniqueness through how they act, how they study, and how they work.People can be unique while doing the same thing as others. Wearinguniforms does not make a student not exclusive. It make themunderstand unity.

Uniformscan help students and children much more than you think. With lessconcentration on how they look, students can concentrate more onstudy. Not only do uniforms keep students equal, they also preparestudents for the future. In an economy like this, uniforms have beenproven to save money. With uniforms, students will be united and notto mention, people with OCD would love them. When many of them growup and become lawyers, businessmen/businesswomen, or office workers,they all have to wear a certain type of clothing or suits and ties.Uniforms will be perfect for school.

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