
college essay (xt)

(2012-11-20 08:25:54) 下一个

Choose a work experience and explainwhy you initially chose it, why you continued with it, and how youbenefited from it.

My current part time job is a waiter,work in a upscale retirement community center.

Like everybody else while enjoying mydriver's license and freedom I also have responsibility to pay forgas. I wanted to work with my hands and get away from every day usingmy brain at school, I choose to be a blue collar labor for my firstjob. I easily found a wait-staff position last Summer.

As a young man with lots of energy,physical labor did not seem difficult. I thought it was lessstressful, straightforward, quick cash. After 6 month work with thisjob I learned how to respect my boss and coworkers, doing thingsfaster and manage things more efficiently, for sure, I become neaterwhen staying in Mom's kitchen. On the other hand, monotonous routineof clocking in and out, taking orders, serving meals, resettingtables, cleaning the kitchen, are not challenge me enough. Eventhough my feet hurt after work during night, I continue with this jobbecause it can pay for gas and some lunches.

Nevertheless, through this workingexperience I am no longer long for a blue collar job in the future.The actual work involved is not as great as I thought initially. Ilearned the true meaning of higher opportunity cost. To keep this lowpaid job I have to trade off part of my time with learning moreuseful things. My hourly wage is barely enough to pay for a nice carI wanted, needless to say, insurance, vehicle maintenance, a house,and a quality middle-class life. I am convinced that in order to bebetter off in the world, I need to pursue a better college educationand obtain more advanced skills suited for more challenged job. Ican be a white collar or even gold collar worker with the talent Iwas given.

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