

(2012-10-17 13:12:50) 下一个

Stress 10/14/12

Stress this week has beenaffecting me greatly. With so much homework on every day, I was aboutto collapse. The thing is, if I try to complain to me my mom abouthow hard this week has been and will be, my mom is only going to say,“Well, you better get used to it 'cause it's only gonna get worsein college. You have to learn how to manage your time so that you canquickly finish you homework AND play.” It's really not that easyfor me. I had two tests this week and three projects due quiteshortly. It really isn't that easy for me! Every day I had to hand inmy Chinese, memorize 20 brand new words a day, play my violin, studyfor two test, do my Sunday school homework, buy some supplies for mysocial studies Sioux project, Write a book report without a book, getout of soccer practice until 6, and having to sleep at 9:00 alljuggling these while having a girls trying to date me! There waspractically NO day I had without some major thing the next day. Notto mention my mom telling me to pick up the work pace. This upcomingweek won't be any easier either. I will have to finish my Chineseschool homework, still have my soccer practice, learn 10 absolutelynew every day, play my violin, do my Sunday school homework, turn inmy social studies project hoping for a decent grade, give a speechabout child development, write another book report after reading a321 page long book, go on a field trip, having to write anotherweekend entry the next Saturday, and all while having the same Indiangirl trying to date me! If I date right now, I'm going to be evenMORE stressful! I really wish my mom would lessen my homework thisweek.

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