
Most expensive colleges in usa

(2012-09-24 12:43:06) 下一个

#1 Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY
$57,556 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Sarah Lawrence College座落于曼哈顿北方15哩的Bronxville。90%的班级,师生比

#2 Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn.
$53,976 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Wesleyan University 有40个系提供约900多门课程。并且也赞助在法国,德国,意

#3 Columbia University in New York, NY
$53,874 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Columbia University,在美国新闻与世界报道的最新全国排名表中排列第四名。
它座落于曼哈顿上城, 占地面积约36亩。学校的教授包括诺贝尔奖获得者约瑟夫斯

#4 Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, M房间 board.
$53,690 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Johns Hopkins University 是一个重要的研究机构,霍普金斯大学在2009年获得联

#5 Georgetown University in Washington DC
$53,591 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Georgetown大学座落于华盛顿市中心。 最出名的教授与专业是在它的国际事务和法

#6 New York University in New York, NY
$53,589 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

纽约大学座落于纽约市的下城, 有近二万名本科生。 在美国新闻与世界报道的最

#8 Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif.
$53,496 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

Harvey Mudd 在美国是属于顶尖的数学,科学和工程学院之一。 并在这些领域内提

#8 Barnard College in New York, NY
$53,496 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.


#9 Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
$53,480 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.

生,都是由教授授课。其中包括诺贝尔奖得主Saul Bellow and Isaac Bashevis Singer。

#10 Trinity College in Hartford, Conn.
$53,330 per year for tuition, fees, room and board.



1. Bates College ME $51,300*
2. Connecticut College CT $51,115*
3. Middlebury College VT $50,780*
4. Union College NY $50,439*
5. Colby College ME $50,320*
6. Sanford-Brown College (for-profit) VA $45,628
7. Sarah Lawrence College NY $41,968
8. Vassar College NY $41,930
9. George Washington University DC $41,655
10. Columbia University in the City of New York NY $41,316
11. Kenyon College OH $40,980
12. Colgate University NY $40,970
13. Carnegie Mellon University PA $40,920
14. Trinity College CT $40,840
15. Bucknell University PA $40,816
16. Tulane University of Louisiana LA $40,584
17. Skidmore College NY $40,420
18. St John's College NM $40,396
19. St John's College MD $40,392
20. Tufts University MA $40,342
21. Hobart William Smith Colleges NY $40,235
22. Bard College at Simon's Rock MA $40,165
23. Dickinson College PA $40,114
24. Wesleyan University CT $40,092
25. Bowdoin College ME $40,020  

  College                         Cost

1. Sarah Lawrence College                 $56,420
2. New York University                     $53,589
3. Wesleyan University                     $53,406
4. Harvey Mudd College                     $53,331
5. Bates College                           $53,300
6. Johns Hopkins University                $53,190
7. Connecticut College                     $53,110
8. Claremont McKenna College               $52,995
9. The George Washington University        $52,980
10. Scripps College                        $52,686
11. Bard College                           $52,650
12. Vassar College                         $52,640
13. Bard College at Simon's Rock          $52,610
14. Haverford College                      $52,606
15. Georgetown University                  $52,526
16. Bowdoin College                        $52,465
17. Eugene Lang College                   $52,440
18. Duke University                        $52,405
19. University of Chicago                  $52,341
20. Union College (NY)                     $52,329


2011美国大学最贵学费 Top20

College                         Tuition

1. Middlebury College                          $45,185

2. Connecticut College                         $43,990
3. The George Washington University $42,860
4. Sarah Lawrence College                      $42,600
5. Vassar College                              $42,560
6. Bucknell University                         $42,112
7. Wesleyan University                         $41,814
8. St. John's College                          $41,792
9. University of Richmond                      $41,610
10. Colgate University                         $41,585
11. Union College (NY)                         $41,571
12. Carnegie Mellon University                 $41,500
13. Oberlin College                            $41,234
14. Williams College                           $41,190
15. Dickinson College                          $41,170
16. Bard College at Simon's Rock               $41,160
17. Columbia University                        $41,160
18. Bowdoin College                            $41,150
19. Bates College                     $41,120
20. Franklin & Marshall College                $41,090

2011贵的美国大学学生宿舍 Top2

College                       Room/Board

1. Eugene Lang College                         $17,110

2. University of California - Berkeley         $15,308

3. Suffolk University                          $14,624

4. Fordham University - Lincoln Center         $14,614

5. Fordham University - Rose Hill              $14,491

6. University of California - Santa Cruz       $14,172

7. St. John's University (Queens)             $14,000

8. Manhattanville College                      $13,920

9. Sarah Lawrence College                     $13,820

10. Pace University                            $13,800

11. UCLA                                       $13,734

12. Cooper Union                               $13,700

13. Chapman University                         $13,510

14. New York University                        $13,507

15. Olin College                               $13,500

16. American University                        $13,430

17. Marymount Manhattan College               $13,416

18. Harvey Mudd College                        $13,198

19. Drexel University                          $13,125

20. University of California - Santa Barbara   $13,109

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