
My 7th Grade Survival Guide

(2012-09-24 11:22:18) 下一个

7thGrade Survival Guide            9/16/2012

(It'snot as easy as it seems!)


6:45-Struggleout of bed trying to cram the other half of the test study guide fromyesterday into my brain.

7:00-Dothe morning routine (brush teeth, take shower, sleep some more etc.)

7:15-Wakeup to the screaming of your mom telling you to hurry up and eatbreakfast.

7:40-Finallywake up to the noise of the pesky sixth graders yelling on the bus.

8:00-Getto homeroom ready to start a new day of brain torment..

12:30-Strugglethrough the first 4 periods just to find out that your dose of poisonin solid form awaits you in the cafeteria.

4:00-Gethome excited to watch HOUSE only to remember that your parents threwyour TV away during the summer.


6:45-Eatyour rice and veggies while studying for the PSAT.

7:30-Makean excuse about researching for a relativity report due in three daysjust to pounce onto the computer to watch YouTube videos.

8:00-Getcaught and sent to your room where think about how much your lifecould be better.

8:05-Whipout your iPod and listen to ear-deafening music that shake thefoundations of the house.

8:57-Finallygetting to do your homework when your mom reminds you of your 9o'clock “Curfew”

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