2020 (1)
100 hours of nonstop work: (picture from the internet)
Lots and lots of coffee:
Constant wine supply: (picture from the internet)
Some totally unnecessary online shopping; (picture from the internet)
Two big fights: (picture from the internet)
One nervous breakdown: (picture from the internet)
Sleeping pills: (picture from the internet)
A whole week to recover: (picture from the internet)
Life back to normal -- finally!
我最近正在看这个剧。它主要写的是刑事律师,他们的工作我真的不是很熟悉。大家都说好,我看起来反倒没什么共鸣。另外一部写律师楼的剧我更喜欢--Suits. That show really depicts the law firm dynamic in a very real and funny way。Seasons 1-5 are superb! From season 6 it started to get melodramatic and stupid.
思韵了解我 :)我其实非常担心退休以后怎么办,会不会闲出精神病来啊?趁现在还干的动,赶紧再干几年,将来干不动了再修行也不迟 :)
我也喜欢张驰相间的生活,只要在承受范围。最后,我说,It took a non-beatable desire to win a case!
问好亲爱的Mia ~~~ 我歇到快抑郁了,还好现在精神恢复了,又可以生龙活虎了。还是这样好 :) 祝美人儿有个愉快的新一周!