
Your Ambition, My Life

(2017-09-26 22:27:10) 下一个

Multi-district litigation is painful, when your client is sued across the country. It becomes excrutiating when you client also decides to take the high road, by trying the cases one by one instead of settling them all at once. The determination is admirable, but carrying it out is cruel.

There are not many professions like litigation, where other people build up their careers by discrediting yours; where someone makes a living by constantly undoing what you have done.  Well, save for politicians of course.  As you might have guessed from my frequent whining blogs lately, we are working on a very tough case against an opposing counsel who eats us for breakfast, ... lunch and dinner.  God bless his stomach. 

I brushed up my old copy of The Godfather tonight.  Doesn't the Corleone family keep their own lawyers and judges? If the Godfather were to offer me a job now, I probably wouldn't mind taking it. 


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简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 '金大班' 的评论 :

Sure beautiful! Does that involve a bloody horse head in my bed? Whatever you bring sweetheart, i'd guard it with my life :)
金大班 回复 悄悄话 Alright, I am gonna make you an offer you can't refuse
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 '逍遥白鹤' 的评论 :

早就看到鹤姐留个好几个言,却一直打不起精神来回复,该打 :) 谢谢鹤姐这么贴心 ~~ 您也常常回北京吧?我也常常回去,咱姐俩得见一回!祝您过个愉快的周末 ~~
逍遥白鹤 回复 悄悄话 我也看到小玛雅的眼里有爸也有妈,太妙了!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思韵如蓝' 的评论 :

你不说我还真没注意到,小Maya的眼镜里又有爸爸又有妈妈啊!这才是我们的小宝宝嘛!她现在就是我们生活的中心了,每天下班看见她见到爸爸妈妈欢天喜地的样子,是我们最幸福的时刻 :)

You are right about the billable hours --trying the cases one by one generates a ton of hours for me. I guess I shouldn't complain. :)
思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 瞧小玛雅的眼里有爸也有妈,这不就是咱在外吃苦受累的理由吗?!

我猜得更离谱了: 是不是case越tough,那咱就有越多的billable hours啊? 那就做呗,咱小玛雅又可以吃香喝辣的了!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Liberty-bell' 的评论 :

Thank you! You want to hire me now?

你太宽容了:) 这篇哪能算“文”啊,实在是前天晚上太 miserable, 不发泄一下睡不着觉。我觉得是默克的那位给他们做了一个坏榜样。都想 set a record, 都想当CEO. 自古成功都是不能复制的。就比如 Johnson & Johnson, 也对着默克有样学样,一个案子一个案子的打,结果洛杉矶一个Trial 就输了417 million! I believe they fired their trial counsel after that trial. 这都到哪儿说理去?

I will stop whining and start writing fun stuff :)
Liberty-bell 回复 悄悄话 "....just to make me look ridiculous. And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!"
"Thank you for the dinner, .... Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately."

hahaha. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is to hire you .....

又一篇好文。我就是瞎猜啊。是不是自从Merck's Vioxx案子以后,被告都学着样,先不和解,一件一件地审,等到原告拖不起了再和解。