

(2015-11-18 20:15:56) 下一个




Monday:  What a day! In the morning opposing counsel told me that one of my cases got dismissed. A very tough case! I thought my good time had finally come. Half an hour later, the dude called me again to tell me that he made a mistake, only part of the case should be dismissed. Idiot, next time make sure you know what you are talking about!

Monday afternoon: Having a partial dismissal is still a good thing right? Not in the eyes of my boss. "Now we are facing trial, how come you still don't know what the damages are?" Fuck you! There is a reason that I don't know it -- the plaintiffs themselves don't even know what their fucking damages are! 

Monday night: What happened today really got me into thinking -- do i really want to do this anymore? is it worth getting cancer for? 

Tuesday: Slowly recovering from a bad flu I caught in Texas.  I had the most cold-hearted co-counsel in Texas. Jerks! 

Wednesday: Had a meeting with boss this afternoon, telling him that I could not work with the other boss anymore. It felt good to get things out of my chest, but I started to get worried that it may backfire on me ... I hope not.

Thursday: Spent two weeks in Texas. Came back to find tons of work needed to be done. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Hope I am in good enough shape to bill 10 hours.

Friday: In bed all day because of the flu, feeling sad -- what am I doing here? what am I doing with my life?



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思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 职场上能够记录的确实就是这些"无聊"。好在我们还有"巨流河"的浇灌滋润,和宁宁共勉,理解你,一万个理解!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 'princessannie' 的评论 : 我也的确不写日记了现在,我自己看着都烦 :)
princessannie 回复 悄悄话 哎呀我看您还是别写日记了。。可能每个人记录的方式不一样,我喜欢用微信记录,因为发照片方便 :)). 才女要是用微信moment 发东西的话,可一定要加我!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 '快乐德州人' 的评论 : 你这完全是把自己的快乐建立在我的痛苦上面嘛 ~~~ 当然我写的也很开心。 等我再攒点戾气,攒足了一块儿来一发,咱再一块儿乐呵乐呵。
快乐德州人 回复 悄悄话 好棒好棒!我喜欢你幽默欢乐的生活态度!请继续写下去!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ZheFei' 的评论 : ZheFei! 又看到你真高兴!我回到博客以后,昔日的老朋友们也都一个个地回来了,好开心!

ZheFei 回复 悄悄话 你太逗了!实在是说出了我想说的:“不但我的生活没有因为记录而变得有趣,我的记录都因为我的生活而显得无聊了。” 哈哈!说正经的,你的记录,你的文字使我的生活都变得有趣了一点点。请继续写哦!
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 '飞烟' 的评论 : Oops :)
飞烟 回复 悄悄话 给你块砖头吧,中学英语语法没学好:)应该用worth doing, "worth to do" is not the right use according to my English teacher.

简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Luumia' 的评论 : 早啊,Luumia! 今天一早我就看到你来了,但是一直拖到现在才有个整块的时间回你的留言。喜欢我的新门脸儿吗?还有我的新头像?

我已经没事了。我觉得骂人就是非常的有用,骂完就轻松了 ~~ 所以我准备在日记里接着骂下去,可能还会忍不住骂到博客里来, be prepared Haha :)
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 你还把博客的门面重新装修了!
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 宁宁,希望你的感冒已经好多了!职场上的经不总是好念的,可是我依然觉得你的盔甲规格是极高的,所以什么都难不倒你的!你需要的是周末,节假日好好休息好好享受你的Maya和你周边的一切,然后记录下来 (对不起,又在给你提要求了:-))老实说,除了中间的英文日记,这篇“记录生活”其实蛮好的!