(2008-11-11 04:44:46)
昨天第五次路考,考官是一个老头。经历了那么多次failure 后,我已经做好了第六次第七次第八次路考的心理准备。没有抱很多的pass的期望 (just a few flashes, no dreams)。After he checked all test documents, when we going down the stairs, he asked me if I have an interior mirror for him. I said yes, because it (the test) is not the first time. Then I told him this is my fifth time. Then he said well, we are going to pass this time!. And during the test, unlike other examiners, he also chatted with me, and also give me some hints sometimes, which was never happened before! When he asked me to take the fifth exit of a roundabout, he even remind me when I reached the 4th exit! But everytime when I noticed him marking on that exam paper, I was nervous, and thought maybe he is just pretend to be nice... but at the end, he told me I am passed! I just got 4 minor mistakes! I was so glad, over the moon! I want to give him a kiss! 老天爷终于对我开恩了!(当然这也是与我自己的努力分不开的!嘿嘿)真的让我遇到了这样好的一位考官!May God bless him!愿他长命百岁!
Of course, I and fy went to celebrate last night, to eat buffet in a Chinese restaurant. I was so full that I don\'t want to eat buffet anymore!
回想起前四次路考, 第一次是我根本没准备好;第二次栽在一个mini roundabout 上;第三次当我跟考官说我的英语不是很好时,他居然问我有没有带翻译,当我说没有时,他居然说if he thinks my English was a problem during the test, he will terminate the test! 我当时吓得再也不敢多说一句话了,结果可想而知,最后栽在一个弯弯的红绿灯前了;第四次感觉很冤,我认为应该只算minor mistakes,考官却marked as major mistakes!说我离parked cars 太近了,还有等待右转时没有position很好。
还好,现在一切都成了过去时,大家都说预测how many driving lessons you need is equal to your age. 这还挺准的, 至少是在我的身上应验了。总结花在这上的银子,还真是海了去了。Driving lessons plus test fees 一共居然有£1000!
最后,领照感言:谢谢my dearest son-fy, 谢谢你永远的支持与鼓励you are always there for me!,无数次地陪练(although you feel very boring),陪我practise on the test routes, and also be my direction guide, you are really good at maps and directions! 也谢谢我自己不懈地努力!对我自己说一声well done!