


(2009-02-08 12:24:27) 下一个

长长的阶梯--A long stairway--長い階段


The girl was an office lady and the boy was just a porter in this city.



They got on the different way after their graduation from the middle school.



But they were still keeping the relationship as a couple of lover, it was just being kept.



One side, the girl could drink the genuine Nestle coffee in the company in daytime and the other side she ate the cheap ice-lolly which was from the boy in the off-duty time. One side, she could have the delicious dinner in the company at noon, and the other side he could only bring her to the small restaurant to eat the inferior taste hand-pulled noodles.



The girl thought the gap between him and her was becoming wider and wider.



The result for such love seemed had been destined for separation from the first day.

こんな恋の結局は、始まった日から、もう結局失敗する呙?摔ⅳ辘蓼筏俊?br />

The boy met the girl everyday and sent her to the mansion where she was living in until she got into the elevator, and then he would say goodnight to her and went back alone. One day, the girl just wanted to play as a woman with him and said to him “Dear, put me on your back and climb to my home”. The boy took a look on the elevator and the elevator was running well. He turned his face to her and said “OK, come on.”



The boy asked nothing for reasons. He climbed slowly by step from the first floor with her on his back.



He felt tired and told her he wanted a break for breath when he climbed half of the stairway, but the girl just felt very interesting and said NO to him like a little girl. So, he didn’t take any break until he got the 13th floor where her home located at. She asked the boy if he felt tired, the boy replied that it was really tired more than a porter’s working. She knew what he said was true and felt moving in heart.

途中、疲れて彼は彼女にちょっと休んで良いかと言いました。彼女は突然興味が起こって、この要求をわがままで拒んだ。それで,彼は休まず一気に13階に住んでいる彼女の所まで彼女を送りました。到着後、彼女は彼に「疲れましたか?」と尋ねました。彼は「はい、疲れた、甙幛问耸陇瑜昶¥欷俊!工妊预い蓼筏俊1伺?媳摔?镜堡韦长趣蜓预盲皮い毪确证?盲聘袆婴筏蓼筏俊?br />

But, finally they still separated. Sometime, we could not maintenance our love just depends on the moving.



The city would never be lack of a porter. So, the boy returned to the backwoods where he came from. Sometime, he would dial the girl’s telephone and told her what he was doing. The boy was farming in the village and he told her he had earned some money. But for her, she just kept listen the boy’s talking but without any reply to him. The girl found a new boy-friend and the new one seemed was qualified to her.



Another day, the boy called the girl again and told her he already earned for 5000 Yuan money and such quantity of money was enough for him to marry a girl in the village. At that time, the girl found that there were tears in her eyes.



The girl’s new boy-friend was also met her everyday when she got off from the duty and sent her to home until she got into the elevator, and said Good Night to her everyday before he went back. One day, the girl asked the new boy-friend to put her on his back and climb to her home. This new boy-friend said OK. He putted her on his back and quickly rushed into the elevator which stopped at the first floor. The girl just stayed on his back silently and her heart was getting down with the elevator was getting up. Her boy-friend was smiling to her and seemed he was pride himself on this idea.



At that day, she didn’t kiss her boy-friend for goodbye as usual.



She made a phone call to the boy in the village and asked him if he still had 5000 Yuan, she talked the phone call with flushing tears. The boy told her the money had been used. The telephone dropped down from her hand and she felt her world was also dropped down from her hand.



After several days, the girl found the boy was standing beside the elevator with an expensive ring in his hand. He showed her the ring and said, “See? This is the 5000 Yuan”. The girl smiled, but then she started to cry heavily.



Again, the girl asked the boy “Can you put me on your back and climb to my home?” The boy said OK. Then, the boy was climbing the stages with the girl on his back. Again, on the half of the way, the boy asked the girl for a break due to he was tired, and the girl answered NO. So, he just climbed to 13th floor with her on his back in one breath without any break.



There was even no reason for a woman to refuse a man who is willing to take a woman on his back to climb a long stairway in the life. She thought.


(文章取自世界各大新闻媒体,地摊小报和网站论坛,内容并不代表曲线立场! )

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