
Report on my Nov puts/calls

(2010-11-19 13:14:29) 下一个
I sold puts on atpg for two times for Nov expiration, strike $15, one for 1.1 and the other one for 0.36, today atpg closed at 14.69, so both of puts are showing paper profits, I did not cover the puts today since the commission would be higher. Also atpg is bouncing off support line, I guess there will be more profit if I get assigned next Monday and selling it in a short term.

The second put I sold on atpg for 0.36 is a pretty bad move, it tied up my money, I was forced to give up averaging up on coco. Big opportunity loss!

I also sold STRA Nov $145 put, stra closed at 145.29, so the put should expire worthlessly, cool! isn't it? Actually not, if no put is sold, I would have bought stra around 141, I like to own shares more than some short term profits. I hope stra come down in the future.

Almost forgot, I also sold ATPG Nov $14 puts several days ago when atpg was struggling with the support line. These puts should expire worthlessly. At the same time, I also sold atpg NOV $15 covered calls which should expires worthlessly today too.

Now is the time to consider what to do next month!

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