
喜狼狼, are you still in abk? I believe you are the first

(2010-10-06 13:52:59) 下一个
person who publicly followed my investment idea on this forum. I have made 1000%, 900%, 500%, 300% ... returns on different stocks for a short term since 2008 financial crisis, I have one bad apple too: ucbh. Anyway you are the first one, I hope you held on and enjoyed today's 30% jump on abk.

Do not sell today or tomorrow, we have taken the risk, if we sell too soon when the train just leaves the station, you will regret it. I bought in at 0.52, there is not much downside from today's closing price, while big upside. That is why I did not take the 300% profit last time, I did regret it, but that is with hindsight bias, today's price movement is a whole new game, abk has public stated a couple of times that it is seeking prepackaged BK, it is also well known that some risky RMBS insurance accounts were seized by the gov. ABK's share price is up today despite all these, so lets watch what is coming on the new show, :)

last time I did not take the profit, one of the reason is relative small position. This time I will not take a quick profit, but I will sure lightening up along the way. If I am completely out, I will post here.
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