
Say byebye to my first 10 bagger: DNDN

(2010-04-29 10:24:37) 下一个
DNDN got FDA approval on its vaccine drug against prostate cancer, but I won't show up at the celebrating party tonight. I sold the last lot of dndn at 39.5 weeks ago, the last lot is almost a 10 bagger for me. I do not want to play the FDA lottery while the share price is already pretty high. Congratulations on anyone still holding on!!!!


Just bought dndn at 2.94 [投资理财] - longtermInvestor(835 bytes ) (147 reads)2009-03-12

I am planning to get back to DNDN when the first excitement wave is over, DNDN holds huge potential, it is a new way to treat cancer, just like DNA. DNA find a new way to treat cancer and applied that technique to all cancers.
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