bought more mbi at 7.02 near market close, really wise move
(2009-05-11 14:05:21)
In spite of market crashing near close, I bought more mbi at 7.02, mbi published its fantastic quarterly report, its price passed 8 after report after market close, I am so happy, I am doing great recently, chasing ago and mbi. now lets see what MBI would do in the face of market correction.
Understood. Be aware of insiders, always! They may know more inside info than traders, but the market force (traders) can destroy any great stocks (let alone weak ones related to financials). Even Warren Buffet got hit, but he'll be laughing all the way to banks because he always got 10% on the convertible bonds that may get converted into preferred shares down the road.
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I was very interested in abk and mbi last year, now only mbi. I like bond insurers since a lot of guru and insiders like them; since financials are the most depressed sectors in this crisis and bond insurers are not banks; I do like a lot of small cap growth company, but surviving good financial will provide you good dividends until next crisis, a reliable income stream is very tempting.
I provided some reasoning for why I like bond insures here: