

(2008-11-10 10:59:53) 下一个

昨天第一次 (以我的记忆), 看到一位超重的, 四十几岁的白人男人, 坐在路边的长凳子上, 向过路的行人讨钱. 没有任何人给他. Although, he kept saying, "I'm poor, I was rich before and from a rich family. ... You are mean ... I have no money for food..., etc."

刚才, 一位黑人朋友, 还戴着 Obama 名章 在胸前的, 俨然以一个领导者的姿态, stopped me from saying some words more, while he's asking us for a guidance to find a computer to use, with a 坚定的手势, 和 板起来的, 强硬而严肃的面孔. 倒吓得我心里面一个 "激灵".

While, 心的话, what can be better and more powerful than people are self-motivated. Who can actually save human beings, but oursleves in God -- our Creator, and with Him, or letting God work through Mankind ourselves? Even Salvation 救赎 has to be personal, and has to be between God and an Individual (Only God Knows and With Us Completely and by Every Single Details).

这不, 又一位黑人同志, trying to get ahead of everybody else, "I'm too busy, so many things to do."

There, a 一家四口, well dressed 的黑人, 在打着哈欠, 踱着四方步 after a comfortable Lunch together.

I guess the most profound influence would be on 上层的黑人, as some who may be already well known, such as, General Colin Powell (Famous due to the War of Desert Storm, while Senior President Bush  在位), Oprah on <>, since they may be given even more important positions and enjoy more favors after all. Of course, 下层的黑人, who have endured and carried the most of 种族伤痛.

稳定的 middle class, perhaps, would be no much difference. May be all mixed together in the middle already, anyhow, no matter what color one's wearing on the skin.

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