2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
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2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
Because a in numerology is assigned in number 1, while o in son is 6. That is based on reason, for only a father has more sons, not several sons can produce a same father. Also in mother, because mother is between father and child, there is a series of a1-o6-i9. In Sun, Earth and Moon, is a series of u3-ea6-oo12. Here m in Moon, mother, mare (female horse) , marsh, etc. are related, belong to yin.
Someone said m is from baby sucling, but it is not a sure thing.
In many cases, the letters values hint partial meaning. Here the largeness and smallness, etc. are meaning hinted by number, although it may have dual directions, but middle value stay.
In military 編制, one can find another series: 33, 19, 17, 14, 13, try to do it by yourself.
因為 A在數字學被分配在編號為1,而 O in son 兒子, o=6 是基於理由,只有一個父親"生"幾個兒子,沒有幾個兒子能生一個相同的父親。
在軍隊編制有另一個系列:33,19,17,14,13,可以找到, 嘗試自己來做。
亂就順勢向下,所謂洪水猛獸, 或如某些現代藝術, like Cultural Revolution; 治則逆水上行,或如古典藝術.
你一定会敲开美国大门的,因为你比美国人更....n - rancho2008 - ♀
官而無果,國將不國. 我這個幹實事的有何感慨可想而知了 secret of words
Not on Obama or other leaders
corn, corner, coach, coast, cost