
隱癮隐瘾 word secret solved

(2014-06-30 06:47:35) 下一个
Black objects absorb heat faster

ZT       its because its absorbing all the colors.   we see colors from the reflection of light an object puts off.   a blue object reflects only blue light and absrobs the others.    now go in a room with no light and take all the basic colors in there.   red, green, blue,  yellow,  purple orange and black.    now turn off all the lights and take in a flashlight.   you will not be able to see anything... flashlights put off white light which has every color you could possibly make.    the color objects are reflecting a certain color of light.   without light we would not see anything.   now the black object is still black......why?......because it is absorbing all the light and reflecting none.   so when we turn off the lights at night it gets dark and the only thing you see is black.......because there is not light being reflected towards your eyes to see with.    that just goes on to prove my theory of why black objects get hotter faster.   it is because they absorb all the light and reflect none.......that is why they appear black....is because they are reflecting no light to your eyes.    but really society goes by what we see and not by science so we will just say a blue object is indeed blue and not just the light we see being reflected.   so i will just say that everything is the color it appears to be to avoid any confusion that anybody may have.   so there is your answer.........black objects absorb heat faster than any other because they are absorbing all the light they receive. 

what determines what color of light an object reflects?   it characteristics.   how it is made and other things.   so the color black is good at absorbing light.  it can transfer heat fast.   so this light that is absorbed is collected as heat.  now black would just transfer this heat into the air very quickly i would beleive.   for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.   so i would beleive that if it were able to absorb the heat fast it would be able to get rid of it fast too.    the color black has characteristics and it is able to allow this build up of heat out faster then any other colors.   it would depend on the characteristics of an object that determine how fast the heat is absorbed and lost.    it is not just the color it would be the makeup of the color.    for instance.  a peice of steel coated with blue and then  a water colored black.    the water would absorb heat faster then the peice of steel if left in the sun because black absorbs light more then blue and the light would be collected as heat and transfered to the water.  but the blue peice of steel if it was allowed to reach the same tempature as water it would retain its heat longer at the tempature then the water would.    it all depends on the type of the material that is that color.     why something may appear black it is because that is the color of light being reflected.   but we know for sure the color black gets hotter faster then any other color when they are expeosed to light.   but when they are expeosed to heat it would depend not on the color of the object but the density, mass, and other characteristics.   i just felt my couch it is black leather and it is freezing cold.   but my pillow is white and is normal tempature.  my pillow is not cold it is actually cool.......and i have not been laying on it.  if black absorbed more heat then it would be hotter then my pillow which is white.  and the pillow and couch are under the same conditions.....i.e light heat and they are both constant in my room.    when it comes to colors exposed to (light) black absrobs heat faster than any other color.  but all color is is the color of light an object reflects to our eyes.   when it comes to colors absorbing heat.........it would depend on the density, mass,  and chemical makeup and other characterizations of the object that will determine how fast it absorbs or lose heat.   i know that you said you were talking about color.......but color is not a solid thing......it does not have mass or density.....it is just a form of light being reflected to our eyes.   so in todays world an object that appears to be black does not mean the whole object is black......it would depend on the chemical makeup of the object......and color does not have a chemical makeup.  it is just ligt being reflected.   like i said ealier my couch is black and it is freezing cold compared to the white pillow that is farther away from me then the couch.   do you see what im saying.

oh yeah i forgot to mention.   i was in worng in a way when i said that black obsorbs all the light.   black still reflects a little light but it still absorbs alot more then all the other colors.
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