
寧方毋圓 53

(2013-03-17 05:55:19) 下一个
In a concert hall, a portrait of a local lady by a well known artist I have read many times and then, noticed this 寧方毋圓 principle. I pondered over the reason is that he keeps all details in relatively one focal point in an impressionistic style.
It is also can be extended to connect with other ideas in various activities.

But in Chinese square character it becomes a rule which lasted thousands of years, which might need a reform that was long overdue, for "圆,言如折钗股,不圆则妄生圭角,全无弹力;Huang Binhong)

If regarding to alphabet, the western way is stabled and contribute to the gradual modernization long ago. It is the roundness won.

遠慮笑口常開 冤怨愁眉不展 逐願周公美髯 遂緣原諒圓滿

向大郅致敬   2 English words minimum letters

本無資金無資格, 研字特性擔責任

染易讓難,買易賣難,嘆易觀難,我易克難,打易激戰難,死易救難,增加易繼續難,躲易亮難,開始難結尾更難,准許易禁止難,中間人易兩頭難,噩夢易轉變難,剽竊易創作難,求己易求人難,有錢易痴情難,招牌易有用難,放鬆易緊張難,看法易正確難,邪惡易美德難,叫嚷易安靜難,宰相易撐船難  42

ZT: 「紅男綠女」有證據:男人膚色偏紅,女人膚色偏綠

正在研發「死亡時間分析軟體」,到人體眼球水晶體附近「玻璃狀液」(Vitreous humor),分析化學物質,就能準確的判斷某起...,幾分、幾秒。有些資訊是人類五千年都改不了的,正待一點的揭發」。

零容忍--zero tolerance :) from toil in gym not toilet only
一時衝動不如持續沖淡 dilute impulse

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