

(2013-01-11 05:20:40) 下一个

To correct specks in speech is to speak more

吊灯确实刁  任凭钟摆动  悬垂久不决  灯小平中明   2 English words 

奶油放聲大笑,吃好睡好創造                                       4 E. words  3c-, 1e-
论坛列表淘 滚动新闻等 股市财经省 移民新闻悶 我爱我家愛呀-职场生涯詫
人到中年癲 婚姻生活喲 时事述评新 海外原创網 生活百态壞 大千股坛錢
健康养生啃 创业天地咿 跨国婚姻跟 生于70's疑   几曾回首愁  我的中国德
文化走廊恍 娱乐频道嘮 投资理财宰 流行时尚香 回国发展尷 爱是有缘選
常青人生成 品茶小轩禪 两岸交流鷗 诗词欣赏暢 世界风情緊 美语世界悅
宠物乐园玩 脑筋急转間 人在他乡長 爱车一族出 百家杂谈見 星相卜卦遐
书画艺廊煌 书香之家暇 摄影沙龙踴 影视人生身 想唱就暢唱 音乐快递藝

Forum list Amoy rolling news... stock market Financial provincial immigration news stuffy... I love my family love - career surprised
To middle-aged epileptic... marriage life yo... current events commentary new... overseas original network... life vicissitudes of bad... the big thousands altar money... China and Germany health health eating... entrepreneurial heaven and earth babble... transnational marriages roll... was born in the 70's suspect few ...look back once worry... me A cultural corridor flurried... entertainment channels chatter... investment the financial slaughter... popular fashion Hong... return home development Gan is love is destined election...Evergreen human generated ...tea Xiaoxuan Zen... cross-strait exchanges gull... poetry appreciation smooth... the world customs tight... American English World Wyatt... Pet Paradise play ...between the brains Sharp... Renzaitaxiang long... Aicheyizu out the one hundred Zatan see... astrology divination YA
The the painting galleries huang... scholarly House leisure... photography salon 踊... Video life body... want to sing rap express Arts
A rare smile Diao

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