
巧偽, 宝薄之辨

(2012-03-24 08:42:55) 下一个

巧偽, 虚伪不实。《庄子·盗跖》:“此夫 鲁国 之巧伪人 孔丘 非邪?”
唐 杜甫 《敬寄族弟唐十八使君》诗:“在今气磊落,巧伪莫敢亲。”
严复 《论中国教化之退》:“今 支那 之民非特智识未开也,退化之后,流于巧伪。”
宝 value 薄 thin, flimsy.    宝 .... Zeng Guofan 传家八宝∶  书、蔬, 鱼、猪、早、扫、考、宝。书,早,早睡早起,扫,考,指祭祖。宝,指睦邻。
曾国藩课程十二条∶  主敬∶整齐严肃,清明在躬,如日之升。
静坐∶每日不拘何时,静坐四刻,正位凝命,如鼎之镇。 早起∶黎明即起,醒後勿沾恋。  读书不二∶一书未完,不看他书。
谨言∶刻刻留心,第一工夫。养气∶气藏丹田,无不可对人言之事。 保身∶节劳、节欲、节饮食。
日知其所无∶每日读书,记录心得语。 月无忘其所能∶每月作诗文数首,以验积理养气。
作字∶饭後写字半时。 夜不出门。
he public relation is part of the reasons why 宝 is in and 薄 is out, at least for present....

Bo Xilai's name reminds me of the word capaBility, while to seek its opposite Gu Kailai--cooperative at least for her temporary cooperation with Heywood, who was murdered being not so cooperative later with his partner.

The good example for being cooperative is probably Zhou Enlai, who is said that has no personal enemies.

This pair of words also suits to old Chinese saying:” Less capability for a woman is her virtue :)". Being less capable, she is maybe more tolerable, therefore willing to abide the contract of marriage as we see many examples during Chinese political years. In Chinese ren2--benevolence and ren3--tolerance are homonyms with some sort of reason. Ren2 in Chinese is simply written as number two with a person on side. This word and others like love, is ignored by the name of feudalistic idea in mainland China. This is part of to be blamed for Gu Kailai's incident.

You noticed three Lais in names above represent polarized ideas of two generations. It is your duty to bring up a next generation into a correct direction which is in line with " Ji4wang3kai1lai2: carry forward the cause and forge ahead the future".

this is only for writing practice.

求对: 戴爱莲陈爱莲舞(吴)晓邦无一人认识肖邦

大笑洗涤泪洗面 泣清相邻却距远 哭带秘密不明澈 比较比赛不抱怨10 English words

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