
成长析字(10) 成长 vs 飞黄腾达

(2012-03-16 15:19:22) 下一个
飞黄腾达 lit. the divine steed Huang flashes past (idiom);    fig. a meteoric rise
career success他在一生中飞黄腾达。He has had great success in life.  他是经过艰苦奋斗才飞黄腾达的。He got to the top of the tree by hard work. 已经飞黄腾达了。... has got up in the world.

The key link of Chinese and English word for chengzhang is a letter... 飞黄腾达 implies less hard work, should not use success but meteoric rise; while 成长 is gradually.   飞黄腾达 reminds us meteor,which appears and disappears fast, less friction, barrier and trouble.
成长 may likens to grain, which is gained by a sweat bead divided to eight pieces. 飞黄腾达 like Wang Ming, Huo Qigang and those rich-second-generations.  成长 like Mao Zedong, Guo Jinjin   Our Banzhu maybe in the middle, haha.I know I have my advantage but I achieved by hard work.  飞黄 if it means a steed, that gave me a nice whip,even I am not a steed, 腾达 is acceptable in this sense.

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