
養顏藝術 How to conserve face

(2012-02-28 12:33:33) 下一个
眼的老化: 政治家對美術家 I noticed that Zhou Enlai and some of other politicians aged less than artists, eyes are also important part.  The conclution is that many artists keep pouring for too long.

A sticker of Sargent painting is about defaced by the rough side of my wallet while the other is kept well. My face is close the former for being "men4--boring" too long and the continuation of past unhappy experience. An American librarian Chris who remind me of a classmate, gave me a lesson by her happy smile, happy not by mundane standard for her seemly not perfect marriage--to a divorcee and no her own child, happy for her love of people and willingness to serve, make her everyday become holiday.

Some tourists may have an impression of my smile when I was at Disney. Some bargained with me and felt Ok by my joking refusal. After my entering into a higher class clients, it become merrier until my stubbornness hindered my further development...here you are, Chris, you set a good example for me.

I was not jealous by others who have a luxury life, power and woman. But I do need to open my mind based my past lessons. Hi, this face has suffered, let it be preserved better once a heart is free from worry.

想起一美術家朋友的話:畫畫就是畫錢 (可是我總是轉不過來 in this part) On the other hand, I have gaind by "not seek wealth" attitude.

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