Both a teacher, who accept me into a college, and me are offspring of this event. His father was a battalion commander, a real one, my grandfather was less involved, joined a group of three to write a telegram, which was on newspapers. History continues in this small but dramatic way.
Now he is a quite known figure, I may join him again. He said four words to me: (relation with others is) the warmer the better. I did not follow this instruction fully.
At the coming of the 75th anniversary of this event, we know how important to catch the opportunity, as saying goes: Ji bu ke shi, shi bu zai lai.
101 Mandarin Chinese verbs by MaDaRin(1) | 2012-02-07 05:09:22 |  |
See how my list is paralell with his/her book, you may try also...
1. 愛 My parent had a embroidery of a red heart with a black character 愛 aroud by many signatures. It is missed in a society where this emotion was hatred.
ZT Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. |
101 Mandarin Chinese verbs by MaDaRin(1) | 2012-02-07 05:09:22 |  |
See how my list is paralell with his/her book, you may try also...
1. 愛 My parent had a embroidery of a red heart with a black character 愛 aroud by many signatures. It is missed in a society where this emotion was hatred.
ZT Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. |