
Portraiture in Oil and Pastel

(2009-03-28 19:33:55) 下一个


我住在北卡州Raleigh ,在網上尋找水彩肖像教學水彩的可能性。...,自1967年以來我就想畫水彩。自1990年以來,我已經收集了畫筆,顏料,書籍,紙張和設備,以追求我的夢想。一年前,看到了一些照片後,我決定想畫我的子孫在玩耍。我試圖開始這一夢想。我已經停止工作,這樣我可以把美好的一天的時間在這個追求上。...水彩技術和色彩對我來說有很大的困難.
在過去6個星期我一直在羅利市區的Art space...並聯絡當地一個水彩畫像藝術家有沒有可能性偶爾的教学... 。不幸的是在這個時候,...教学不是她的興趣。

我發現你的作品令人興奮。您捕獲到對象精神 。雖然我並不住在夏洛特,我的女兒生活在Huntersville,我訪問夏洛特。你可以指示或建議有人在你的地區,你風格類似嗎?由於認識到,你為這個"肖像天才"網站代表,我可以認為,請求您的任何時間可能是類似於新手政治家請求奧巴馬總統幫助。如果你有建議,我將不勝感激,...我感謝你的時間。

"Dear Mr. Wang,

I live in Raleigh, nc and was on line tonight looking for the possibility of finding some portrait instruction in watercolor.  I am new to watercolor and to painting in general, but I have wanted to watercolor since 1967.  Since 1990 I have collected brushes, paints, books, paper, and equipment to pursue my dream.  One year ago after seeing some photos that our daughter took, I decided that i wanted to paint our grandchildren and children at play.  I have attempted to begin this dream.  I stopped working so that i could devote good day time in this pursuit.  To this point I have worked on drawing our grandchildren and am okay with these likenesses, but i am having a great deal of difficulty with the watercolor, both with technique and development of colors.

In the past 6 weeks I have been to Artspace in downtown Raleigh, have volunteered to studio sit (hoping that the environment and availability of art there would aid in this quest), and have contacted a local portrait watercolor artist there requesting the possibility of occasional lessons as her style is that toward which I wish to develop (at this point).   Unfortunately, as she is working on commissioned pieces it is not in her best interest to instruct at this time.

I found your work on A Stroke of Genius and found your work exciting.  You capture the heart of the subject.  Although I do not live in Charlotte, our daughter lives in Huntersville and I do visit Charlotte.  Do you instruct or can you recommend someone in your area whose style is similar to yours?  With the realization that you are represented on this Genius site, I can believe that requesting any of your time might be similar to a novice politician requesting help from Pres. Obama.  If you have a suggestion, I would appreciate any that you might share.   In advance, I thank you for your time.

polly huber"


Dear Polly:
Thanks your nice compliment, I'm very honored. Since your aim is a watercolor artist, I assume that you might know that President F.D.R.had died before his watercolor portrait finished by a female artist.
My watercolor portrait experience was way back, a decade ago, when I was in a national theme park where gathered tourists from all over the world. I did hoards of watercolor portrait sketches in a year with none of which is rejected, a challenge for artists since pastel can be altered, watercolor can't. Before doing watercolor, you must have a sound drawing skill.
I do teach here and have no objection to travel to Raleigh couple of times if you recommend me to an art association, a frame shop, a church, and so forth. Besides that, we may have an on line course.
Best wishes!

Gao San http://pmgs.kongfz.com/detail/1_54568/


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