
世上万般,好便是了,了便是好。 若不了,便不好,若要好,须是了。所以,“罢了也好”。
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(2010-02-28 12:07:36) 下一个

When november comes (自拍)
i'll be asleep

face in the crowd 
what buses are like in china. it was like a concert in there. that's my little sis (again).

c'est ma faute
the song and video are so beautiful.

citizen 12  (自拍)
taken by a window. amped up the brightness a bit and edited out the lines from the blinds.

nebula theory(两个女儿和同学们的眼睛)
with the galaxy caught in our eyes.

let go (自拍)
on those days when the air is perfect.



taking off my warrior mask (自拍)
huh. my sis won't let me take pictures of her, so i've only got myself (grrr). it's so inconvenient; it's not fun twisting your arm into odd angles to hold the camera. i promise this is the last of the self portraits.
the odd cross hatches that pop up in the full view root from the fact that i forgot to put the memory card in the camera before i took this photo, and had to take another photo of that photo on the camera screen using a different camera P=. yeahi'maretard.

the rain maker (自拍)
more water.

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阅读 ()评论 (7)
罢了 回复 悄悄话 承蒙果如兄看得起,自家兄弟,谁便拿。
果如 回复 悄悄话 收藏了,行不?
罢了 回复 悄悄话 谢谢小河与石库门的夸奖,其实小孩子们的规矩在她们上小学之前基本上已经做好了,后来都是放养,无为而治。我家老大很有一些无师自通的本领(老王卖瓜哈),这一点和她老爸有点象(大言不惭哈),赶明儿把她的小说与画拿上来show off 一下,哈哈。。
石库门 回复 悄悄话 你女儿很有艺术修养,品味很好。不论是照片还是文字都有一定的深度。看来老爸的培养相当有成效,呵呵。
青青小河 回复 悄悄话 完全同意二蛋蛋的评论. 罢了兄, 你家老大真是很有艺术天分, 很难想象这么多充满思想的摄影作品是出自一个孩子!:)
罢了 回复 悄悄话 蛋蛋,很高兴我们同一时间在网上溜达,谢谢你的褒奖之词,祝你元宵节快乐!
二蛋蛋 回复 悄悄话 这些更精彩,光线、色彩、构图什么的都好,看来你女儿比你还有思想啊
顺便,nebula theory那张我一下子就能看出哪是你两个公主的美目