
【终极奥林匹克】(Ultimate Olympics)4集全[TVRip]

(2008-10-01 07:08:56) 下一个
【英文名称】:Ultimate Olympics
【电视台】:Discovery Channel

Ultimate Olympics.jpg



第一集 来到北京
第二集 高科技奥运
第三集 竞争
第四集 倒数

Discovery Channel: Ultimate Olympics

As Beijing prepares itself for the 2008 Olympic Games, take a look behind the scenes to discover what it takes to create a setting worthy of such an historic event.

Go Beijing
Beijing set itself the challenge of becoming the ultimate Olympic city: hi-tech, green and distinctively Chinese. Will the people of Beijing manage their dreams?

Hi-Tech Games
A look at how technology is changing the way the Olympics will be broadcast, judged and trained for and how this is the most technologically advanced Games yet.

China' rise up the Olympic medal table has been astounding and is second only to the USA. How will China claim first place at the Beijing Olympics?

The Final Countdown
China faces the final countdown as we go on a behind-the-scenes journey in this exclusive two-hour special to reveal the secrets of Beijing's unique Olympics. 

【MU 下载连接】:

    第一集 来到北京
    第二集 高科技奥运
    第三集 竞争
   第四集 倒数 Part 1
    第四集 倒数 Part 2

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