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The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

(2011-03-14 20:58:01) 下一个
By Philip Pullman, 2010.

A highly contraversial book as you could tell from the title.

I struggled for two weeks before placing the order on Amazon. I was afraid that the reading would shatter the part of my faith that is not yet rooted deep enough. The part that is commonly known as knowledge.

Yes, knowledge and faith do take on separate paths sometimes.

The book came and I read it through.

My faith stands just as firm afterwards.

Another clever writing by Philip Pullman. This time he uses plain and innocent-appearing sentences to target the adult world, to insinuate doubts and suggest manipulation in the original story-telling of the Story.

In Pullman's story, Jesus and Christ were born idential twins, with Jesus as the crowd appealing good man and Christ as the shadowy figure who eventually betrayed Jesus. A stranger in the story serves as the visionary guide to Christ's actions looking forward to a future world of organized churches...

The book, full of loopholes when examined closely, remains a story just as Pullman notes on the book cover: This is a story.

And so it can only be read as one.

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