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好书共享-盛赞居家主妇 by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

(2010-04-24 20:53:36) 下一个
                                       Dr Laura Schlessinger

我非常认同Dr. Laura关于家庭和孩子的观点,也断断续续在听她的广播,只是她写的书读过得并不多。






I thought those years at home were very difficult (especially when they cry before they've learned to speak, and you don't know what the heck is going on!) - but those are the years that deepened my understanding and compassion, demanded I learn more patience, made me feel important whenever I heard that little voice call, "Mama" and enriched my life more than I could ever imagine. (p.54)

The time spend on family is not a sacrifice. You are living a life with choices; when you make the right ones, you have a good life. You are defined by the choices in your life -- and that is a good thing! (p.56)

"Ordinary" stay-at-home mothers? What is ordinary about "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world?" The individual who nurtures, teaches, and loves a developing human being is worthy of the highest esteem and is hardly "ordinary." (p.61)

SAHMs (Stay-at-Home-Moms) are not SAHMS because they are lucky, stupid, lazy, weak, scared, useless, spoiled, frightened, or any other condescending description. SAHMs are SAHMs because they realize the blessing of the opportunity to make a profound difference in their own lives, their families, their community, and ultimately the world as they coordinate the lives of their family members so that no one feels neglected, unimportant, or unloved because of the limited commitment of their parents. (p.64)

Cheers to all SAHMs. 祝福所有甘心乐意的居家主妇们。
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