Step-By-Step Installation of RAC on Compaq Tru64 Unix Cluster
Note: This note was created for 9i RAC. The 10g Oracle documentation provides installation instructions for 10g RAC. These instructions can be found on OTN:
This document will provide the reader with step-by-step instructions on how to install a cluster, install Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) and start a cluster database on Compaq Tru64 Cluster 5.1. For additional explanation or information on any of these steps, please see the references listed at the end of this document.
Disclaimer: If there are any errors or issues prior to step 3.5, please contact Compaq Support.
The information contained here is as accurate as possible at the time of writing.
1.1 Minimal Hardware list / System Requirements
First see the RAC/Tru64 Certification Matrix for supported configurations. For a two node cluster the following would be a minimum recommended hardware list:
1.2 Memory Channel / Interconnect configuration
This guide will use the Memory channel for the private interconnect. These are CCMAB PCI cards. When running OS 5.1A you can use alternatives but it is a good idea for a production environment to use Memory Channel. In a two-node cluster configuration the memory channel cards will be configured to run in a virtual hub mode. Meaning that no additional hub hardware is needed for two nodes.
The J1 Jumpers on the Memory card should be modified for each to enable virtual hub mode.Node 0 jump Pin 2&3
Node 1 no Pins jumped together.
With the servers turned off physically install the Interconnect PCI cards
To connect the servers together proprietary Compaq cable BN39B is needed. (see the RAC/Tru64 certification matrix. for updated hardware components)
Connect the cable to each node Note: For other approved hardware components please check
1.3 Test the Interconnect channel
This is only if you are using Memory Channel for the Interconnect. Test to see if your PCI Memory Channel cards are working. On each machine run mc_diag at the Firmware prompt: (see the RAC/Tru64 certification matrix. for updated hardware components)
Testing MC_Adapter
Adapter mca0 passed testTest the cable to see if you can connect to the other Node. On each machine run mc_cable at the Firmware prompt “At the same time”:
>>mc_cable >>mc_cable
mca0 Node id0 is online mca0 Node id1 is online
Response from Node 1 on mca0 Response from Node 0 on mca0If the Adapter passed and the cable responded on each side, then you have connection. Do not attempt to configure the cluster until you pass these tests.
1.4 Set up the minimal hard disks needed for a two node Cluster
Generally each server will come with an internal disk that is configured with a running Operating system installed. The internal disk will be needed from one node to form the cluster. Once that cluster is formed, the internal disks are not part of the cluster. They can be used as an emergency boot disk or additional swap space for your running cluster. There are four disks total that is used to form the cluster. These disks must be connected to a shared scsi bus to both nodes. For additional disks used specifically for Oracle data make the same change to those devices as well.
This is basically like configuring a standard external SCSI disk. They are connected to each Server’s SCSI card via a Y cable connecting both nodes to the shared disk cabinet. Each Cable is then properly terminated.
Upon Booting at the firmware or cheveron prompt, the physical disks will be seen. Each disk is assigned a SCSI ID.
On the second Server you must change the SCSI ID assigned.
At the firmware prompt
>>show dev - Will display all devices including SCSI disks. Change accordingly
>>set pka0_host_id 7 - The other node is automatically set to 6
>>set pkb0_host_id 7 - The other node is automatically set to 6
>>set pkd0_host_id 7 - The other node is automatically set to 6
After this is complete, the disks will be seen by the Servers and can be used and will not experience SCSI timeouts. Again, you are only changing the above on one of the two servers because they will both default to SCSI id 6 which will cause SCSI timeouts.
2.1 Install the OS on the Internal / Emergency boot disk
Prepare the internal boot disk:
>>> boot dka400
cd to /SD_CDROM/TCS1/kit
setld –l .
# lmflist
Product Status Users;Total
TCS1 Active unlimited
OSF-BASE Active unlimited
OSF-USR Active unlimited
OSFCMPLRS520 Active unlimited
OSFLIBA520 Active unlimited
OSFPGMR520 Active unlimited
OSFINCLUDE520 Active unlimited
The above steps will allow you to boot from your properly configured internal boot disk from Server 1. Prior to forming a cluster you must diagram your disk layout and specify which disks located on your shared storage device will be your ROOT_CLUSTER, MEMBER ONE BOOT DISK, QUORUM, and MEMBER TWO BOOT DISK.
Fill in the following checklist information. Reference this information when prompted for during Cluster creation: Examples are given in italic
Cluster Name – deccluster
Cluster IP Address –
Clulsterwide root partition – dsk5a
Clusterwide usr partition – dsk5g
Clusterwide var partition – dks5h
Quorum disk device (entire disk) – dsk3
Number of votes assigned to quorum disk – 1
First member’s member id – 1
Number of votes assigned to this member – 1
First member’s boot disk – dsk1
First member’s cluster interconnect IP name – mcdec1
First member’s cluster interconnect IP address -
Use the disk configuration GUI or any other method to format the four shared disks with the minimum disk layout. Notice above that the cluster root disk has three partitions (/, usr and var).
For a 2-node cluster, Oracle is expecting member id 1 for node 1, member id 2 for node 2 . That is, oracle utilities like lsnodes is not expecting a gap in the member id number. To ensure there are no problem, number your nodes beginning from 1 and leave no gaps as you add nodes to the cluster.
Absolute Minimum cluster disk size layout:
Clusterwide root
Absolute Minimum Recommended
/ = 125mb at least 500mb
usr = 675mb at least 2000mb
var = 300mb at least 2000mb
Absolute Minimum for Each Member Boot Disk
/ = 128mb
b (swap1) = 128mb make this as large as you have room for on the disk
h (cnx) = 1mb
Quorum Disk
H (cnx) = 1mb
Unfortunately the quorum device will use an entire disk ie. nothing else can use this disk even though only 1mb is being used. This will surely change in the future so an entire disk is not wasted for quorum.
After having the disks configured as listed above you can now create a cluster for the one member.
- Login as root and run clu_create.
Answer the questions regarding your cluster configuration. Use the checklist with disk layout and cluster names above. After all questions are answered a one node cluster is formed including the configuration of the first member boot disk, quorum and cluster root disk. Once this is completed the server will be booted up from the new boot disk on the shared disk array. All this takes up to 4 hours on a good day.
2.3 Boot from the First Member Boot disk
If the above reboot didn’t change your boot device flag at the hardware level to the first members boot disk. The actual device will vary based on how your scsi names the devices. You can see the device names by doing a show dev at the >>> prompt
- shutdown to the hardware or cheveron prompt
>>> show dev See which disk device number is the first member boot disk
>>> set boot_osflag A Allows for multiuser mode on next boot up.
>>> set bootdef_dev dkb1xxxxx
Set the boot device to be the first members boot disk. This is where the first member will always boot from in the future. If you ever need to boot from the internal disk, change the boot dev. This should only need to be done in the event of an emergency.
2.4 Create a second member boot disk
Fill in the following checklist information. Reference this information when prompted for during adding a second member creation: Examples are given in italic
Hostname – deccluster2
Member ID – 2
Member votes (total expected votes with the addition of this member) - 3
Number of votes for this member – 1
Boot disk for this member – dsk2
Cluster interconnect IP name – mcdec2
Cluster interconnect IP address -
After booting the first node in the cluster you then add members to the cluster by running the following command from the first member while it is up and running. New members can be added or deleted without interrupting the cluster.
Ensure that the second node is currently shutdown before running the add command.
>>>boot -file genvmunix
>>> show dev See which disk device number is the second members boot disk
>>> set boot_osflag A Allows for multiuser mode on next boot up.
>>> set bootdef_dev dkb2xxxxx
The second node will now perform a kernel build and install all subsets.
As a minimum set the following kernel parameters on EACH NODE of the cluster. Edit these via gui or vi /etc/sysconfigtab file as the root user:
max_per_proc_address_space = set to physical memory value or atleast set to 1 gig
per_proc_address_space = set to physical memory value or atleast set to 1 gig
per_proc_stack_size = No larger than 500m
max_per_proc_stack_size = No larger than 500m
new_wire_method = 0 >> for 5.1a patchkit 5 or less OR 5.1b patchkit 2 or less
5.1b patchkit 3 or greater (Note: the most recent patchkits are recommended)
vm_swap_eager = 1
ubc_maxpercent = 70
vm_bigpg_enabled = 0;
shm_max = 2139095040
shm_mni = 256
shm_seg = 1024
sem_mni = 1024
sem_msl = 2600
ssm_threshold = 0
msg_size = 32768
max_objs = 5120
max_async_req = 256
max_sessions = Oracle process + 20
rdg_max_auto_msg_wires = 0
rdg_auto_msg_wires = 0
aio_task_max_num = 1040 (this parameter must be greater than (max dbwr I/O’s * db_writer_processes + parallel_max_servers * db_file_multiblock_read_count + 10))inet:
udp_sendspace = 66560
udp_recvspace = 66560
It is not necessary to change the udp_sendspace/udp_recvspace parameters from default since Oracle9i uses RDG by default for all GES/GCS, cache fusion and other cluster traffic. These parameter values are only required if you have a mixture of 8i and 9i OPS/RAC instances on the same cluster or you have enabled UDP as the IPC protocol for Oracle9i.NOTE: Since it is recommended to run 9i databases with TIMED_STATISTICS=TRUE, this increases the number of calls to get system time. As a result, it is recommended to setup the /dev/timedev device on each node in the cluster (if non existent):
# mknod /dev/timedev c 15 0
# chmod ugo+r /dev/timedev (or chmod 644 /dev/timedev)
Using the /dev/timedev also avoids potential instance evictions due to issues with the NTP (Network Time Protocol) on Tru64.
3.2 Create the Oracle user and dba group
Login as root and use the adduser command to create an account named Oracle that belongs to the dba (Oracle database administrator) Create the dba group as needed:
# adduser
Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): Oracle
Enter a UID for (Oracle) [15]: 100
Enter a full name for (Oracle): Oracle
Enter a login group for (Oracle) [users]: dba
The group dba was not found.
Do you want to add group dba to the /etc/group file ([y]/n)? y
Adding group dba to the /etc/group file...
Enter a new group number [200]: 200
Group dba was added to the /etc/group file.
Enter a parent directory for (Oracle) [/usr/users]: /usr/users
Enter a login shell for (Oracle) [/bin/sh]: /bin/csh
Finished adding user account for (Oracle).
Create the mount point for the Oracle software as the root user. Select a different disk on your shared disk device. In this example it shows using dsk9
# disklabel -z dsk9
# disklabel -rw dsk9 RZ1CF-CF Oracle
# mkfdmn /dev/disk/dsk9c Oracle
# mkfset Oracle fs1
# mkdir /u01
# mount Oracle#fs1 /u01
# chown Oracle:dba /u01
3.4 Mount point for the Oracle datafiles
Create the file systems for the Oracle database datafiles. If there is sufficient room on the same disk (/u01) as the Oracle software, create a directory named /u01/oradata which could alternatively be used.
# disklabel -z dsk20
# disklabel -rw dsk20 RZ1CF-CF Oracle
# mkfdmn /dev/disk/dsk20c OracleDb
# mkfset OracleDb fs1
# mkdir /u02
# chown Oracle:dba /u02
# mount OracleDb#fs1 /u02
Add the mount lines to /etc/fstab.
Oracle#fs1 /u01 advfs rw 0 2
OracleDb#fs1 /u02 advfs rw 0 2
Ensure that the system has at least the following resources prior to installing Oracle. To ensure the system has the proper configuration for a successful installation of Oracle run the InstallPrep script found on Metalink Note number 189256.1 :
After downloading the script (Note number 189256.1) in Ascii, run the script, review the output and resolve any issues listed in the /tmp/Oracle_InstallPrep_Report prior to attempting the Oracle installation:
You are currently logged on as oracle
Is oracle the unix user that will be installing Oracle Software? y or n
Enter the unix group that will be used during the installation
Default: dba
Enter Location where you will be installing Oracle
Default: /u01/app/oracle/product/oracle9i
Your Operating System is SunOS
Gathering information... Please wait
Checking unix user ...
user test passed
Checking unix umask ...
umask test passed
Checking unix group ...
Unix Group test passed
Checking Memory & Swap...
Memory test passed
/tmp test passed
Checking for a cluster...
Cluster has been detected You have 2 cluster members configured and 2 are currently up
No cluster warnings detected
Processing kernel parameters... Please wait
Running Kernel Parameter Report...
Check the report for Kernel parameter verification
/tmp/Oracle_InstallPrep_Report has been generated
Please review this report and resolve all issues before attempting to install the Oracle Database Software. The following steps outline steps to install the Oracle Database Software.
1. Mount the Oracle 9i cdrom as the root user onto /mnt. The Oracle Enterprise edition has multiple cdroms. During the installation you will be prompted to mount the second cdrom when needed. Unmount the first cdrom and repeat this step when required.
# mount -r /dev/disk/cdrom0c /mnt
2. The Oracle installation process is a GUI only installation. Ensure that you have x-windowing capability. Run the following command in a unix window.
xhost +
3. Open a new window and login as the oracle user. Ensure the following environments are set prior to beginning the installation. The location must be writeable by the oracle user and is where the Oracle software will be installed.
PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:and what ever else you want to have set follows these two items in the PATH.
These environment variables should be placed in the oracle users .profile so that they are set each time the Oracle user is logged in.
4. Change directories to the /tmp directory and run the command to begin the installation process on the cdrom answering questions and following directions for a Typical Install:
cd /tmp
The Oracle software will automatically install the RAC option as long as it is being installed on a valid cluster environment. Below lists common screen answers that may help install the software:
Screen Name in Upper left Common reply
Inventory Location Location must be write-able by Oracle user
Unix group name dba
File Locations Source is cdrom and Destination is the ORACLE_HOME where the software will be installed
Available products Oracle9i Database
Installation Types Enterprise Edition is for Database software
Database Configuration Software Only, after the software install is successful,
&n sp; create a database seperatly
Cluster Node Selection Do not select any node in this screen
Shared Configuration File Name If this appears, provide a complete filename and
location seen by each node on the cluster,
ie. /u01/app/Oracle/oradata/Sconfig
All other screens are self-explanatory Simply follow the instructions till completion of
the software installation.
The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) will create a database for you (for an example of manual database creation see Database Creation in Oracle9i RAC). The DBCA creates your database using the optimal flexible architecture (OFA). This means the DBCA creates your database files, including the default server parameter file, using standard file naming and file placement practices. The primary phases of DBCA processing are:-
Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the DBCA to create your database. This is because the DBCA preconfigured databases optimize your environment to take advantage of Oracle9i features such as the server parameter file and automatic undo management. The DBCA also enables you to define arbitrary tablespaces as part of the database creation process. So even if you have datafile requirements that differ from those offered in one of the DBCA templates, use the DBCA. You can also execute user-specified scripts as part of the database creation process.
The DBCA and the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant also accurately configure your Real Application Clusters environment for various Oracle high availability features and cluster administration tools.
Note: Prior to running the DBCA it may be necessary to run the NETCA tool or to manually set up your network files. To run the NETCA tool execute the command netca from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. This will configure the necessary listener names and protocol addresses, client naming methods, Net service names and Directory server usage. Also, it is recommended that the Global Services Daemon (GSD) is started on all nodes prior to running DBCA. To run the GSD execute the command gsd from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.
Note: When creating a database via DBCA is it common to receive one of these error messages during the creation of the database. If that occurs, follow the steps provided:
ERROR: “gsd daemon is not running on local node. Please start the daemon by executing gsd command from another window before proceeding”
- Exit the DBCA utility and run the following command:
- gsd &
- Telnet to the second node and start the gsd daemon on that server as well.
ERROR: If this is the first Oracle9i database created on this cluster, then you must initialize the clusterwide SRVM configuration. Firstly, create or edit the file /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc file and add the entry srvconfig_loc=path_name. where the path name is the shared srvconfig location.
vi /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc srvconfig_loc=/u01/oradata/rac_srvconfig
Then execute the following command to initialize the config file (Note: This cannot be run while the gsd is running. Before v9.2 you will need to kill the .. ./jre/1.1.8/bin/... process to stop the gsd from running):-
srvconfig -init
ERROR: “Oracle Corporation does not support shared nothing Real Application Clusters databases. Please use either shared raw devices or a cluster filesystem files for your datafiles.”
- In the DBCA Node Selection window, select BOTH nodes in the cluster instead of just one node.
A new database now exists. It can be accessed via Oracle SQL*PLUS or other applications designed to work with an Oracle RAC database.
Oracle Corporation recommends that you use SRVCTL to administer your Real Application Clusters database environment. SRVCTL manages configuration information that is used by several Oracle tools. For example, Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Intelligent Agent use the configuration information that SRVCTL generates to discover and monitor nodes in your cluster. Before using SRVCTL, ensure that your Global Services Daemon (GSD) is running after you configure your database. To use SRVCTL, you must have already created the configuration information for the database that you want to administer. You must have done this either by using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), or by using the srvctl add command as described below.
If this is the first Oracle9i database created on this cluster, then you must initialize the clusterwide SRVM configuration. Firstly, create or edit the file /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc file and add the entry srvconfig_loc=path_name.where the path name is the shared srvconfig location.
$ vi /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc
Then execute the following command to initialize the config file (Note: This cannot be run while the gsd is running. Before v9.2 you will need to kill the .../jre/1.1.8/bin/... process to stop the gsd from running):-
$ srvconfig -init
The first time you use the SRVCTL Utility to create the configuration, start the Global Services Daemon (GSD) on all nodes so that SRVCTL can access your cluster's configuration information. Then execute the srvctl add command so that Real Application Clusters knows what instances belong to your cluster using the following syntax:-
For Oracle RAC v9.0.1:-
$ gsd
Successfully started the daemon on the local node.
$ srvctl add db -p db_name -o oracle_home
Then for each instance enter the command:
$ srvctl add instance -p db_name -i sid -n node
To display the configuration details for, example, databases racdb1/2, on nodes racnode1/2 with instances racinst1/2 run:-
$ srvctl config
$ srvctl config -p racdb1
racnode1 racinst1
racnode2 racinst2
$ srvctl config -p racdb1 -n racnode1
racnode1 racinst1
Examples of starting and stopping RAC follow:-
$ srvctl start -p racdb1
Instance successfully started on node: racnode2
Listeners successfully started on node: racnode2
Instance successfully started on node: racnode1
Listeners successfully started on node: racnode1
$ srvctl stop -p racdb2
Instance successfully stopped on node: racnode2
Instance successfully stopped on node: racnode1
Listener successfully stopped on node: racnode2
Listener successfully stopped on node: racnode1
$ srvctl stop -p racdb1 -i racinst2 -s inst
Instance successfully stopped on node: racnode2
$ srvctl stop -p racdb1 -s inst
PRKO-2035 : Instance is already stopped on node: racnode2
Instance successfully stopped on node: racnode1
For Oracle RAC v9.2.0+:-
$ gsdctl start
Successfully started the daemon on the local node.
$ srvctl add database -d db_name -o oracle_home [-m domain_name] [-s spfile]
Then for each instance enter the command:
$ srvctl add instance -d db_name -i sid -n node
To display the configuration details for, example, databases racdb1/2, on nodes racnode1/2 with instances racinst1/2 run:-
$ srvctl config
$ srvctl config -p racdb1 -n racnode1
racnode1 racinst1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl status database -d racdb1
Instance racinst1 is running on node racnode1
Instance racinst2 is running on node racnode2
Examples of starting and stopping RAC follow:-
$ srvctl start database -d racdb2
$ srvctl stop database -d racdb2
$ srvctl stop instance -d racdb1 -i racinst2
$ srvctl start instance -d racdb1 -i racinst2
$ gsdctl stat
GSD is running on local node
$ gsdctl stop
For further information on srvctl and gsdctl see the Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration manual.
DBUA can be used to go from 9.0 to 9.2 for either RAC or non-RAC. If you are converting from 9.2 non-rac to RAC you can just install the RAC option, add the required init.ora parameters, and start the instances (if the cluster is already configured).
Init.ora parameters to include would be:
- cluster_database=true
- An undo tablespace for each node.
- Instance_Number = # (must be unique between instances)
- Instance_Name =
- Thread = # (must be unique between instances)