
please help. thanks

(2008-07-12 09:02:26) 下一个
我的opt was from 1/2005 to 12/2005, H1 strted from 9/27/2005.

My work experience:

1.1/2005-9/30/2005, full time work for Company A by OPT.

2.6/1/2005-8/31/2005, part time work for Company B by OPT.

3.9/27/2005-present, I switched to work for Company C by H1.

I have w-2\'s from those 3 companies.

My question:

1. for 1&2, 有一时间交叉(我1/2005-9/30/2005用opt在为公司A作full time工作.同时 from 6/2005-8/2005, 我同时也为另一家公司B作part time.)。 when filing Form 485, 虽然我有w-2,我能不能把6/2005-8/30/2005 这段partime job的经历隐去?因为我觉得uscia肯定会给我RFE about that. I do not like that.

2. 作背景调查时,要查w-2吗?
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