

(2023-12-03 21:37:05) 下一个

roof:  Bay area roofing, Saul, 408-849-2661, text@408-770-7698

roof material: beacon, 1202 S.6th St, SJ, CA 95112, 408-482-7203

ELM roofing COntractors, Michael Bar, 754-248-6400 Michael@elmroofingcontractors.com

https://www.sayhomee.com/occupation  http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2312205 https://www.sayhomee.com/morecontractors

1. GC-SC


1.1 GC

Upnorth Services, murilo (341) 600-9584 Paulo

Alex 4084220440 - send photo & plan 地基+框架

www.constructionontime.com,LIC# B859184,Peter 5657 MERIDIAN AVENUE, SAN JOSE, CA 95118 Peter (408) 209-1799, This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 

Touraj Chamani,1112422,Tel : (408)931-2549 T BAY CONSTRUCTION
1255 SARATOGA AVENUE APT 312B, SAN JOSE, CA 95129,This license is exempt from having workers compensation insurance; they certified that they have no employees at this time.

https://www.sfbayareaconstruction.com/ Lic # 1056408 408-813-0158 youdan122013 01/10/2023 - LICENSE REISSUED TO ANOTHER ENTITY with the NORGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY

执照 #1048718 电话4082072082 KMC CONSTRUCTION CORP,2982 VERNA DRIVE
SAN JOSE, CA 95133 hey certified that they have no employees at this time.

(408)4421532  small project, flat entry roof

SmartBuild Construction (925) 794-0054
Shadowfax Roofing and Solar (408) 622-2634

1.2 SC

Concrete: david Odell 

华人大姐 650-200-6873,张师傅16266887883,刘师傅4087182432,cyhuang64 ,周三兄弟:15103161627,4086449036 微信,郑师傅 (408)906-9996-东湾

HVAC: Sam Phong 408-422-3720

瓷砖:电话408-981-1582 karry nian, 510-648-1731




1.3 Architect

Blueprint: ALBERT(925) 247-8633, $4200, 15 days


2. 美国店

2.1 非瓷砖橱柜类

Nu-Way Tool Supply, 3232 El Camino Real. Santa Clara, CA 95101.(408) 984-5395. 

White Cap, 2900 Mead Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408)220-0110 material

Pine Cone Lumber, 895 E Evelyn Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. 408-736-5491

Sunnyvale Lumber, 870 W Evelyn Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. 408-736-5411

Bruce Bauer Lumber & Supply, 134 San Antonio Cir, Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 948-1089

Fastenal, 1546 Montague Expy, San Jose, CA 95131. supply chain, can be ignored


2.1.2 Truss

https://www.stocktontruss.com kevin@stocktontruss.com 209-464-7358
Truss Design & Manufacturing Inc, 1119 Elmsford Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014, (408) 446-9092 
HD  1-800-430-3376 enquiry truss?

2.2 瓷砖橱柜地板

SPC地板:City of Industry, 2211 Ringwood Ave. San Jose CA 95131 Tel: (408) 433-3328


1. E3 Kitchen&Material, 302 Lang Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010 5星
2. Pacific home & decor, 1766 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95112 4.6星
3, Bullnose tile: 1783 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA 95112 意大利瓷砖漂亮 4.6星
4. The moulding company: 1987 Russell Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95054 4.6星
5. Granite Pro 1750 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA 95112 4.3星
6, NGY group: 490 E Trimble Rd, San Jose, CA 95131, 4.2星,
7. Cypress Kitchen & bath, 1071 N. 10th St, San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 503-6088 3.9星
8.欧雅: 1815 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95131 价廉,3星
9. KZ kitchen, 5 1560 Montague Expy San Jose, CA 95131 3星
10, 友利: 1744 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95112 2.5星

Terico, 2224 Jonesport Ave, San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 272-1828 tile

看下来底价是ZMC Cabinest跟E3 Cabinets以及旧金山城里的East Star。长实比这几家算下来贵大概15%。我最终在E3 Cabinets 买的,他们家有maple原色。城里还有一家叫iDo Cabinet,工厂就在门店的旁边,你可以随意定制任何你想要的款式跟材料,例如我就喜欢全平的橱柜门…,价格比最便宜的贵70%-80%


列表:https://www.sayhomee.com/occupation    http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2312205  https://www.sayhomee.com/morecontractors https://www.thumbtack.com/ 



瓷砖定高:amazon raimondi tile leveling system,or http://www.homedepot.com/s/tile%2520leveling?NCNI-5

建发Graniteexpo:1750 Rogers Ave, San Jose CA 95112,408-809-9555 Mon-Sat: 8:00 to 4:30

友利:1744 Junction Ave.San JoseCA 95112(408) 288-6688 

长实 (408) 433-2288 7days 9-5,1560 Montague Expy,San Jose, CA 95131

(650) 466-6868 7days 9-5, 670 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94063

鸿年 (510) 835-9988 7days-9-5,115 Market St., Oakland, CA 94607

2.3 小工具

瓷砖定高:amazon raimondi tile leveling system,or http://www.homedepot.com/s/tile%2520leveling?NCNI-5

3. 国内店


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