2009 (2)
2010 (1)
2014 (57)
2015 (74)
2016 (71)
2017 (67)
2018 (37)
2020 (56)
2021 (47)
2022 (69)
2023 (45)
https://www.3dzyk.cn/thread-678-1-1.html https://www.3dzyk.cn/thread-677-1-1.html
改为激光:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1KTGC1Dbz0 http://www.instructables.com/id/Convert-a-3D-PRINTER-to-LASER-ENGRAVER-Under-40/ https://jtechphotonics.com/?page_id=2012 https://jtechphotonics.com/?page_id=1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N12_1nCTuWM
3-in-1: https://zmorph3d.com/ http://makerarm.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhtC-mwGe0I
$2199:https://www.stepcraft.us/shop/product/10162-stepcraft-d-840-cnc-machine-self-assembly-kit-196?category=26 Spindle: https://www.stepcraft.us/shop/product/10155-hf-500-watt-spindle-system-complete-53 mm1000用ER11, 可换铣刀但最大为1/4
软件·XcurvePro6.091, 699或10刀:https://clickdown.org/download-vectric-vcarve-pro-6-091-full-license-100-working-forever/
有人卖$2750:This Stepcraft 840 machine is brand new, never used. Dimensions are 24”x36”. It is fully assembled and ready to run, you just need a windows laptop or PC to run the provided software. Comes with a sturdy cart with wheels to allow you to move it anywhere in your shop or garage. I ordered this and assembled it and unfortunately don’t have the space or time to dedicate to this awesome machine. Serious inquiries only please. Also included is the book “Start Your Own Business – With a Stepcraft All-In-One Creation System”. I spent over $4,500 on the original purchase and so this is a steal!
Parts List:
Stepcraft-2/840 Desktop CNC Machine - $2698.00
Woodburning Pen - $129.00
Vectric VCarve Pro - $699.00
Starter Tool Set (1/8” Shank) $85.00
Exhaust Adapter for HF 350/500 Spindle - $99.00
Quick Release Lever - $9.99
Tool Length Sensor - $119.00
Fully Assembled - $500
Rolling stand - Free