
GS300 Android及电压表安装

(2015-09-18 15:03:36) 下一个

1. Android系统


1.1 主机

选用9"屏幕约228-218x130mm,原厂收音机为230-213x126。我的05 GS300不带MK功放无Navi,原厂radio是前置差分LR输出,功放在乘客侧抽屉后面或CD盒右侧,原厂这三件均不可再用,因为收音机拆掉后没了数控。

系统1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDaZsiMKRh8#t=1m14s?  1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2XqwfbqbIE 客服 walter97@126.com,120刀带后视头,1G/16G。无woofer但可用L/R out线路RCA输出。

系统2:https://www.amazon.com/ZHNN-Touchscreen-Multimedia-Navigation-Bluetooth/dp/B08M5ZP6BH/ 该机类似,但是RAM加倍,可设置倒车时音频不间断(没找到),多了sub woofer输出但不随音量控制变。该机有Android 9.1和10.1两版,Amazon寄给我的是9.1,显示mph,实测ant/amp ctrl无输出,EQ有sub woofer截至频率及4频电平可调,断电保留但是收音机音量似乎未保留?厂家寄的是10.1,显示kmh,ant/amp ctrl有输出,EQ无sub woofer截至频率但有5频电平可调,断电保留但是收音机音量似乎未保留?音量控制均不改变两版的sub woofer输出。GPS带iGo,10.1并带Here,均可下载Google map及各类Android app。口令8888。review:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw_JtKWTe3c 安装:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg4Ji1G0w4E  另购摄像头可用空管穿线型但只能偏置 https://www.ebay.com/itm/384340919673?hash=item597c810579  客服https://www.facebook.com/ZHNNOfficial/ 

Please follow this link to download the T3 UI, it might update Android 9 to 10 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1egdoWppILPQDI4FhwwlsKvmqoiNLCN-Z/view?usp=sharing Download this file update.zip to your FAT32 USB flash drive. Follow this video to help update: https://youtu.be/5Ll0F1zNK8Q passcode:16176699

其它:强烈建议在play sore下载Agama app作为主页,付费2美刀,support@alter cars.ru。这个没试过:https://apkpure.com/agama-car-launcher/altergames.carlauncher 其它:如果蓝牙断开:1.在手机设置中打开蓝牙,搜索蓝牙,找到并连接CAR-BT(OR CAR-KIT),2. 通过单击前面板上的 RST 孔来重置。如果蓝牙没有声音而是调频收音机的声音,联系facebook的ZHNN或walter97@126.com。实践表明天线剪短到1/4波长也无改善。

汽车功放内均有大电感滤波但无升压。该机用厚膜4CH功放TDA7388(好点的TDA7850)有10A熔丝,最大输出近90W。4CH输出需要避开原厂功放直接接喇叭;另需woofer amp,其输入可为L/R out或Sub woofer的RCA头但似乎音量不可调,建议Hi level由喇叭端引。


1.2 主机安装: 先左后右撬开上部出风口,撬开排档左上小帽用钥匙顶一下即可换挡,打到最低档以便取出下部烟灰盒,上下4x10mm螺栓(及下面螺丝内侧的clip)即可取下空调及收音机组件。视频2的安装把新架掰折是不需要的:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kkee3Yov4W0#t=8m30s,旧件先由上下外沿划线可知出分口下沿突出约4mm,换装收音机后按此线调,标记旧架钻孔位置把新旧架结合。两侧稍挤即可装入,下端可与皮面平行或稍往里,烟灰缸上沿似乎需要锯掉3/16"。两USB可放入乘客侧抽屉内;或在卸掉木纹板后用flash mount USB座装在适当位置。若需掰开木纹板见视频0的1m41s。 主机装回时记得出风口/点烟器接线和收音机/GPS天线。

原厂收音机后面的20芯头主要的线是:Blu/Yel 1=+B(Dome Fuse 10A)接新机黄,Gry 11=ACC接新机红,WHT/BLK 20=GND(推荐原厂功放处S12.9)接新机黑。视频单红线接新机Back/Reverse,另一头红线接后备箱倒车灯+12V。两蓝线为Ant/Amp ctrl控制天线和功放,实测无输出。原厂无ILL线因此新机橙(用于开大灯时的控制板亮度)不接。新机若有Light grn线是Parking light需接地,不然屏幕不亮。



1.3 原厂功放:实测除RL/RR喇叭为4欧其余2欧。乘客侧抽屉后面,需要弃之不用,因其由收音机数字控制。按视频1掰下右侧抽屉底板,卸掉2x10mm螺栓及上部3x螺丝,放下前板后可见黄色气囊接头及右侧功放,气囊接头不要断开但可由前板脱下;或在此前脱开接气囊接头的小板。取下抽屉灯线。卸掉3x10mm可取出CD盒。功放上黑12芯、中橙8芯、下白6/10芯插头,左上脚1,然后先数左列。以下为原厂色线及用70-1761转接公头改后的(颜色):S12: 1/6=RP/RM,2/7=LP/LM,3/8=SGND/AVGND,4=MUTE,5=NC,9/10=BUSP/BUSM,11=B02,12=ACC. S8: CD. S6: 1/3=SRRP/SRRM=红/白,2/6=SRLP/SRLM=黑/黄,4/5=WFP/WFM=绿黑/绿红(灰黑). S10: 1/5=SFRP/SFRM=绿/蓝,2/6=SFLP/SFLM=粉(橙白)/紫,3=nc,4=BU=+12V20A蓝黄(紫黑),7=GND白黑,8=TLMT(telephone mute)蓝粉(未接),9=GND未接,10=NMUT(navigation mute)未接。

1.4 Sub woofer功放

原厂超低音喇叭阻抗标在喇叭罩上,我的是81789-30040 2欧,由功放内TA8225H驱动,输出约40W。由于新机只有Sub woofer线路输出(L/R或Sub woofer的RCA)且无音量调节故不可用,需另加功放并由L/R的喇叭端经衰减接入,即High Level接法。若所用sub woofer功放增益为Kv,应衰减Kv-6db;若无低通也需加上。

1.4.1 TPA3116/8功放板

TPA3116/3118输出功率与原厂功放类似。方案1是市售TPA3118板 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SGK3VFS,其增益36db。主机L/R out RCA各接20K电阻后,另一端并起做为输入,对地0u33作为100Hz低通,装在主机后面。TPA的脚3=SDZ要接PWR ctrl或ACC。方案2 https://www.ebay.com/itm/393401370248 自带低通。

1.4.2 原厂先锋功放改装

此时需70-1761 6/10芯公母头一对,公头接原来给原厂amp线的母头,母头接原厂amp上的公座,如此将新机、旧线 、旧amp联系在一起,包括给旧amp的+12V/ACC/GND旧amp subwoofer的输入输出、新机4CH输出。

。6芯线包括新机的2后座喇叭线和旧amp的sub woofer喇叭线
。RL+/RR+利用原12芯线,板上衰减31-34db (16K-470//3u3)后接CN905.3作超低音输入,低通为100Hz


1.4.3 更大的功率?

要更大的功率建议400W DC-DC升压:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSI9k5BK-jU,150W DC-DC或许也够。为了关断DC-DC的TL494和TPA3116/8,主机PWR CTL线要接TPA311的脚3=SDZ,并通过47K接一PNP管B极,后者C/E分别接TL494的脚4=DT和14=Vref。

商品可直接使用PA-60: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08MYQNK7H,该功放在14.4V 4欧下的功率约142W(1%THD 108W),2欧下稍高但易保护关断。模拟功放效率低且易烧毁,原因包括负反馈不足或喇叭线长导致自激、工作点电位器氧化导致静态电流大、管子耐压或电流不足,正负电源相差过大。该功放应该有升压电路,其可靠性不详。Boss R1100更好 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIWaoLUaDSU,2欧下175/198W(1%/10% THD)。另R1002是2CH使用TDA7377桥接,输出约30W,没有升压但有电源滤波。



1.4.4 天线



进system可以看见Bulid number,点击直至出现“No need, you are already a developer”,按回退键,将显示,点击进入后可选Aggresive wifi选项或打开自动更新。


1.5 倒车摄像头:需要装在后备箱盖上,由前乘客侧贴地走到后排座椅后,去左侧后与原厂灯线一起走(右侧没有线槽)。前乘客侧底板为两螺丝和容易脱口的销子,贴底线塞进底盖,但是要拆后排座垫和背靠后备箱内衬。卸掉后座椅:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph2Oh3djcWI  小结:人进车内双手各执座椅两侧往上扳,卸掉座椅;每侧下端卸掉两个U环上的螺栓及枕头下被盖住的螺栓,卸掉椅背。掀开后备箱内衬可见孔洞用于穿线。

卸掉后备箱上衬:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9tdPrsGlmE&t=56s,即去除所有塑料卡销,右侧黑盒的两螺丝,左侧手柄盖四边中间是卡销呈口字型,要由左右两侧把它往外翘。去衬板后可见两牌照灯部件,松开后者4x10mm螺栓和两销子可把钥匙锁盖或装饰件(Exterior trunk trim or garnish)拿下,以便其水平面上装摄像头。摄像头装在正中,但线要在装饰件里延灯罩左走到销子左侧再进入车内。摄像头电源插头和视频线中的红线接倒车灯电源,由倒车灯单线延长到摄像头附近。倒车灯是尾灯最下靠里的长方白灯,不用卸灯,塑料纽松开剥开衬皮可见S6接头,正负分别为红蓝/白黑:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-R7CL1sxu8#t=2m50 

1.6 加电压表https://www.clublexus.com/forums/gs-2nd-gen-1998-2005/868289-diy-adding-a-volt-meter-next-to-clock-2.html 0.28"电压表。塑料卡扣很容易断,用扁起子撬不要用手掰;透光面板背面有6个热压柱,尖嘴钳掰断。脱开时钟板后焊接。后罩右侧开孔,用热熔胶加支撑再将电压表粘在其上,最后把面板粘回。图片见上右,该买绿色的。

2. 行车记录仪 (早期计划)


http://thedashcamstore.com/advanced-dashcam-installation Lexus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-BZLlF1wN8 


屏幕的电源可以是:1. 插入点烟;2. 直接连去ACC电源,即钥匙在ACC及开车位置就有电的某个车上熔丝座。GS300驾驶侧/乘客侧台板下面都有熔丝盒,拧动钥匙并测量各熔丝,或查手册可得开启后才有电的熔丝座,如CIG,可以把正极绕在熔丝接头上,也可买专用的转接座或占用空的熔丝座;3.直接连去卸开后的顶部灯盒,方法在视频链接一,但有车型限制。对于去台板下面有熔丝盒的布线,是主机出来的浮线去前玻璃,沿边缘走到门边,再往下,一般均可嵌入车边而不用拆卸各盖板。不过本车是绒布边比Sienna的橡胶边硬。

倒车摄像头前端类似耳机插头插入主机,后端摄像头安装在拍照上方,两根电源线接去倒车灯电源,这样倒车时屏幕自动增加倒车刻度。我的山寨佳能记录仪,后视影像一直有的。布线是由牌照、背板、后门吊臂内走线、车边到倒车灯电源。参考Sienna行车记录仪安装Odyssey Android系统安装扩展

fuse: http://www.carcarekiosk.com/video/2000_Lexus_GS300_3.0L_6_Cyl./fuse_interior/replace 




01-05 GS300 back view mirror is shown below, black/red are +12V/GND can be used for DVR.


拆反光镜的步骤:GS 3rd gen (06-11) http://www.clublexus.com/forums/gs-3rd-gen-2006-2011/556707-rearview-mirror-question-3.html#ixzz3qsFETxcR

1. Just remove the hex bold from under the mirror. It is exposed so you can just take a 3/16 or so size hex key or a tiny flat head screwdriver.

2. you would need to remove the 'nose' and the cover on the roof panel. On the '06 GS430, the panel you remove is the most forward one, in front of where your sunglass holder drop down is. It pops right of, just do it gently and carefully. I did it with just my fingers. You can put your fingers in the groove facing the windshield and work your way to the sides and back. It is held by clips to the sides, with two big white clips on the left and right. Once you pop the panel, the 'nose' or middle piece should come with it. The nose is to hide the wires that run all the way to the roof panel.

3. Once you remove that, you can slide the mirror off of its support. It's kind of like a hook support, kind of what you would use to hang your towels in your bathroom. To slide it off, just slide the mirror upwards. The support itself is attached to the windshield. By this time your mirror will be dangling by the wire (for power, compass etc.)

4. Slide the clip from the wire from the connector in the roof assembly. You would then need to carefully wiggle the clip out of the opening to fully get your mirror. At first it may seem impossible and you may seem tempted to cut the wire. DON'T. you can push up on the cloth/roofliner piece to push the connector through the seemingly small opening and carefully wiggle it out. Trust me, it will work.

To reassemble, just follow the reverse. First, I hooked the mirror back on the windshield support by sliding it down and hold it in place. Next I pushed the clip back into the small opening and connected i back to the connector in the roof assembly. Then I put the cover and nose back on and slowly push back until everything clicks back in place.


The mirror stem has a clip with 4 tabs that go up into the bracket on the windshield.

I did this from passenger seat, while looking up at mirror. Gently turn the mirror and stem about 1/8 turn counter clockwise, it should swivel where it mounts to windshield, do not force it, it should turn about 1/8 and then stop.

After it stops turning the tabs should be at at spot on the bracket where they can slide down and out. If the mirror turns and stops (looks like your unscrewing from windshield but it only goes 1/8 turn) gently wiggle the mirror and it should come out of the bracket. At this point you can let the mirror hang from the wires for a few min.

If you look in the mirror stem you will see a metal clip with 4 tabs held in with 1 screw, remove screw and clip.

This is where the tightening comes in, the clip with 4 tabs, the tabs are what slide into clip and hold mirrior tight. Take pliers and just slightly (just a hair) bend all 4 clips downward, if you can see a difference then you may have bent it too much. If you bend too much the clip will break, I used needlenose and I wasn't even sure if I bent them at all, but when I put the mirror back on the widshield there was a huge difference.

The mirror is very tight now, no vibration at all. One thing I do need to mention is that when I went to remove the clip from the stem the screw started coming out with almost no effort, so in my case that screw may have been loose a couple turns, I didn't think much at the time but now i'm wondering if that wasn't the case. My point is if that was the case then bending the tabs may not have been the fix, it may have been tightening the screw.

To re-install just put the clip back in stem, make sure screw is tight, insert the clip back into the bracket with mirror turned, turn the mirror gently back clockwise until the stem is vertical. hopefully your mirror is tight.


2010 Lexus power from mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuSZs2jVJY4 

2016 power from top: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HREsNkvLBig 

remove mirror cap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nTKn6qStS4 

3. Radio wiring

https://www.clublexus.com/forums/gs-2nd-gen-1998-2005/697113-2001-gs300-radio-circuits-w-o-mark-levinson-wiring-diagram.html? 原厂20头,地线是pin20 Wht/Blk。Radio处Blu/Yel是Dome Fuse 10A。Amp处插头由上至下为12/8/10/6芯,10芯脚为FR+/FL+/NC/+B(Radio fuse 30A)/FR-/FL-/...,6芯为RR+/RL+/RR-/WF+/WF-/RL-。

https://portal-diagnostov.com/en/payment-d/?page_s=373064 Back light+/-是红黑/白黑在左后轮上方。

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