

(2008-07-02 13:59:00) 下一个

Knight Rider Returns With New Driver On NBC

For all of you KITT fans out there, the car is back in business, but for all the David Haselhoff fans, he isn’t. Not entirely.
The new TV movie “Knight Rider” premieres on February 17, at 9 p.m., on NBC starring “All my Children” Justin Bruening, as Mike Tracer, the estranged son of Michael Knight, and the new KITT 3000, a Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR.
We all know the things old Trans Am KITT could do back in the 1980s, like almost everything, but what about KITT 3000?
One of the executive producers, David Bartis promises us that the new KITT has many surprises in store for us.
Bartis says: "I think everybody knows already that the car has the ability to morph. It can shape shift a little bit in ways that enhances its handling and its abilities on the road. It also has some sort of weapon defense systems that are based on nanotechnology that I think are going to be pretty amazing when people see the way we've built the effects there. It's got a pretty deep arsenal of abilities and tricks there," mercurynews.com reports.
The movie suffered a last minute change. As Variety announced that the new voice of KITT will be that of Will Arnett, who does the commercials for GMC Trucks, the General Motors had a change of hearts and said it didn’t want Arnett for the Ford Mustang’s voice in the new movie. So Val Kilmer came in to fill the role.
You have to know that the new “Knight Rider” is not a remake of the original 1982-86 series, which had Glen A. Larson as its original creator, but a sort of pilot for a possible series producers hope for if the movie has enough viewers.
Besides Bruening in the role of Mike, we get to see Deanna Russo as ex-girlfriend Sarah Graiman and Sydney Tamiia Poitier as FBI agent Carrie Rivai.
In an interview Bartis said that Larson, who has the movie rights, has been working for a big-screen launch since 2002.
In the new movie, Mike Trance is the estranged son of Michael Knight, whose existence Knight was not aware of. Mike grew up with his mom, Jennifer Knight (Mary Kate McGeehan), who, if fans remember, appeared only once in the old series as the daughter of Wilton Knight, the founder of the Knight Industries. Jennifer took over the foundation in the fourth season opener.
A new character makes his way in the new movie, which connects it to the original series. That is Charles Graiman (Bruce Davison), Sarah's dad, who is the original creator of KITT, since from the original series we don’t know anything about who built the car ad the technology.
Will just have to see and wait if the new “Knight Rider” can lift up to the expectations of a series which made history back in the 80s and a star out of Haselhoff.

"霹雳游侠Michael Knight,充满正义感,是一个英勇的自由斗士。他以无比的勇气,超人的智慧,打击犯罪,拯救善良无助的受害者。"

《霹雳游侠》,英文名称《Knight Rider》,是1982年至1986年在NBC播出的热门科幻电视剧(右图)。全剧4季共84集,其中有6集为每集1.5小时。故事讲述了Michael Knight驾驶着那辆具有高度AI的跑车KITT,在罪犯横行于法律之上的世界里支持那些无辜及无助的人。可能你一下子记不起来《霹雳游侠》,但当你看见霹雳车前面来回扫描的扫描器,以及那经典的片头音乐,保证你一下子就能从记忆找到它。
"请别叫我 '汽车' 或是 '几只轮子' ,我是奈特工业3000号。"--KITT
2008年2月17日,霹雳车KITT就要载着它勇猛无惧的主人Michael Knight重回银屏了!NBC在最近的媒体见面会上,终于完整地公布了复制版《Knight Rider 霹雳游侠》的拍摄计划,并确定了播出时间。根据NBC的计划,《霹雳游侠》将首先以迷你剧/电视电影的形式与观众见面,然后再根据收视率情况决定是否发展成为正式剧集。
在NBC公布的计划中,肥皂剧《All My Children》中的当红小生Justin Bruening(题头图右二)成为新一代 "霹雳游侠" Mike Tracer,《Veronica Mars》和《Joan of Arcadia》中的女演员Sydney Tamiia Poitier(题头图左二)则扮演女主角Sarah。联合主演中还包括扮演FBI女特工和 "霹雳游侠" 心爱女孩双重身份的Deanna Russo ("NCIS," "The Young and the Restless")(题头图右一)和扮演Sarah父亲的Bruce Davison ("Breach," "Close to Home")(题头图左一)。
"霹雳车" KITT(即Knight Industries Three Thousand的首字母简称,中文名叫"奈特工业3000号")是本剧中最为重要的道具。据悉,复制版的《霹雳游侠》中,"霹雳车" 一共有三个版本。第一个版本叫 "KITT英雄" ,是主人公的日常用车。这是一辆经过改装的福特野马Shelby GT500KR型跑车,最高马力可以达到540。第二个版本名叫 "KITT攻击者" ,是 "KITT英雄" 变形后的产物。当 "KITT英雄" 进入战斗模式并通过 "空气运动悬挂系统" 和特殊的内部结构变形为 "KITT攻击者" 之后,就成了一辆速度非凡、火力强大的超级战车。第三个版本名叫 "KITT遥控车" ,即无人驾驶状态下的 "KITT英雄" 。为 "霹雳车" 配音的是Will Arnett (NBC's "30 Rock," "Blades of Glory")。福特公司表示,还将为该剧精心制作其他专用交通工具。

复制版的《霹雳游侠》将由Dave Bartis ("Heist," "The O.C.")及Doug Liman ("Mr. and Mrs. Smith," "The Bourne Identity")担任执行制片人;原版《霹雳游侠》中 "霹雳游侠" Michael Knight的扮演者David Hasselhoff将以特别客座演员的身份出现在复制版《霹雳游侠》的首集中,仍然扮演他的 Michael Knight.

复制版的《霹雳游侠》将由Dave Bartis ("Heist," "The O.C.")及Doug Liman ("Mr. and Mrs. Smith," "The Bourne Identity")担任执行制片人;原版《霹雳游侠》中 "霹雳游侠" Michael Knight的扮演者David Hasselhoff将以特别客座演员的身份出现在复制版《霹雳游侠》的首集中,仍然扮演他的 Michael Knight。
在剧情方面,NBC采用了和《Bionic Woman 无敌女金刚》同样的创作思路,即沿袭原剧的结构,但是大规模进行内容改造,并融合现代元素。很多人对此表示出了忧虑--众所周知,《Bionic Woman》也是在70年代同名老剧集的基础上改编而成的,但是却没能取得它前辈那样的成功,反而遭到了大多数评论家和观众的批评,收视率也从第一集的1300万人掉到第八集的612万人,并被NBC排到了即将被取消的剧集名单中。《Knight Rider》会不会重蹈覆辙?现在谁也说不清。

Sarah Graiman是一位24岁的漂亮姑娘,她继承天才父亲Charles(Bruce Davison)的衣钵考入斯坦福大学,并成为哲学博士学位候选人。一天,一群不明来历的匪徒企图绑架她,但是在这之前,她曾收到了KITT打来的一个神秘电话--KITT警告她,她并不是Charles的亲生女儿,而是Charles在25年前 "制造" 的。同样是25年前,Charles发明了第一辆KITT,他是个非常危险的科学疯子。
Sarah和KITT决定去找Sarah的童年好友Mike Tracer帮忙,但是自从Mike 18岁离家去参军以后,Sarah已经5年没有见过他了。如今,23岁的Mike退了役,伊拉克战争让他身心俱疲,心智恍惚,他断然拒绝了Sarah的请求。不过,英雄难过美人关,在Sarah的软硬兼施下,Mike最终答应帮Sarah一次。两人根据绑匪留下的痕迹顺藤摸瓜,发现幕后的主使人竟真的是Charles。期间,和Charles、Sarah父女有多年交情的FBI女特工Carrie Rivai (Deanna Russo)也卷入了案件调查。Carrie以前曾是Mike深情眷恋的姑娘,此番见面,免不了有些尴尬。但最让Carrie觉得震惊的是:她才是Charles真正的女儿!
Part1☞ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O448BSB8
Part2☞ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C7R3KE8K

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