专辑名称:《This Is The Life》 歌手名称:Amy Macdonald 音乐风格:Folk rock, indie rock, alternative rock 发行厂牌:Vertigo 发行时间:Jul 30, 2007 资源类型:wav整轨+cue ◇◇【专辑介绍】◇◇ 《This Is The Life》是苏格兰民谣摇滚女歌手Amy Macdonald的处女作 Amy Macdonald 是位新人。看起来这个新人歌手的长相并不出众。不过那冷峻脱俗的声音,和独特的创作天赋,足以让她脱颖而出。 然而千万别被专辑封面照片和她的嗓子骗了,虽然从专辑封面和她的嗓子你会猜想她应该算是个相当成熟的女性,但其实她就是一个出生于1987年的苏格兰小姑娘。我不是说这样不成熟,但是Amy这副嗓子很老成,至于专辑封面,纯粹是拍摄角度的问题了。她就是一个看起来再平常不过的小女孩,但是唱歌和创作的本事却是与她的年龄不是那么相称的,至少她写的歌不是一般的20岁女孩能写出来的。 12岁的时候,她买了自己的第一张唱片,也就是她的老乡们,Travis乐队的那张【The Man Who】。她十分喜欢这张专辑,而Francis Healy甚至成为了她的偶像。后来她也承认自己的音乐受过Travis、Oasis等乐队的影响。 这是一张很适合在开车兜风时听的专辑。整张专辑一口气听下来给人十分流畅的感觉,大部分歌曲都比较轻快,利落不拖沓,在兜风时听听应该会很惬意。 当年厌烦了嘈杂的R&B或是Hiphop之后,听听她的歌,你会发现节奏化的东西也可以做得十分出色,不一定要那些大段大段的歌词,经过锤炼的旋律、节奏加上简洁的歌词,已经足以做成相当出色的音乐。
◇◇【专辑曲目】◇◇ CD1 01. Mr Rock & Roll
02. This Is The Life
Oh the wind whistles down The cold dark street tonight And the people they were dancing to the music vibe And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair While the shy tormented youth sit way over there And the songs they get louder Each one better than before
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
So you\'re heading down the road in your taxi for four And you\'re waiting outside Jimmy\'s front door But nobody\'s in and nobody\'s home \'til four So you\'re sitting there with nothing to do Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew And where you\'re gonna go and where you\'re gonna sleep tonight
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you\'re singing the songs Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and you\'re head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight? 03. Poison Prince 04. Youth Of Today 05. Run 06. Let\'s Start A Band 07. Barrowland Ballroom 08. L.A. 09. A Wish For Something More 10. Footballer\'s Wife